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Writing a SUCCESSFUL Conference Proposal

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1 Writing a SUCCESSFUL Conference Proposal

What is ASPIRE? ASPIRE, INC IS THE PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR TRIO PROFESSIONALS IN THE REGION INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING STATES: COLORADO, MONTANA,NORTH DAKOTA, SOUTH DAKOTA,UTAH AND WYOMING. MISSION ASPIRE, Inc.’s mission is to increase the educational and success opportunities for low-income and first-generation college students though advocacy, professional development, and legislative awareness. VISION It is the vision of the ASPIRE Region to act with integrity, respect, ethics, and due diligence in working towards the completion of the established goals for while keeping center the mission of ASPIRE. The ASPIRE region strives to collaborate with other like-minded organizations while standing as a national model for quality in professional development and support to its membership. We seek to integrate and support all TRIO and EOP personnel at the State, Regional, and National level for the advocacy of our students. Kyle Reviews ASPIRE Information

3 Session goals At the end of this session you should…
Be able to articulate 3 properties of an effective conference proposal Develop an effective conference proposal Develop Personal and Professional Implementation Plan Take turns reviewing

4 Why do you attend conferences?
Why present at conferences? Break into small groups

5 Now What? Personal Narratives (Self Authorship) Selecting a conference
Subject matter Traditions/Cultures Types of presentations Writing a successful proposal Andrea starts

6 Types of Presentations
Case Study Informational Presentation Roundtable Presentation Panel Presentation Instructional Presentation Interactive Seminar Intensive Series (Pre-conference workshops) Kyle

7 How to develop a SUCCESSFUL proposal
Title Abstract Description Learning Objectives Type How does it relate to Conference Theme(s) Describe the Conceptual Foundation for the Presentation Content Andrea

8 How to submit a proposal
An Effective Abstract is a brief description of what the presentation will cover Introduces topic and motivates reader to attend the session Summarizes content, describes program format, explains special programs that may be unfamiliar to attendees, and suggests target audience Previews what the attendee can learn Andrea

9 How to submit a proposal
A Solid Session Description Identifies the appropriate audience Links your session to a conference theme Explicitly states the take-a-way for the attendee Example: Changing the Mindset: Building on Students’ Strengths Kyle

10 How to submit a proposal
Most presenters tell attendees “how to” do something consider looking at providing opportunities for that help attendees “think” through something. Attendees should learn new techniques /approaches and also strengthen their skills in the process. Winning proposals identify no more than 3 learning outcomes for attendees.  Outcome verbiage must be specific. For example “create a plan” NOT “gain understanding” and “strengthen skills” NOT “ learn about”. Learning outcomes should focus on how the attendees will be or act differently because of the session. Andrea

11 How to submit a proposal
Thoughts on Types of Session PowerPoints are okay but not if they are merely a script, Sessions are expected to be interactive and engaging. Each attendee should leave with something to take home (handouts – may be electronic, templates, kits, websites, etc.) Idea Exchange--attendees have time to idea share with one another. Sessions with TRIO and Non-TRIO counterparts or collaborations are encouraged. Kyle

12 How to submit a proposal
A winning proposal is related to the conference theme Or connected to a specific conference tract Be relevant and timely with your message. Andrea

13 How to submit a proposal – Conceptual Foundation
Describe the Conceptual Foundation for the Presentation Content, Including Ways the Presentation is Grounded in Relevant Experience, Research, Appropriate Theory or an Effective Model. This section explains the foundation or framework for your presentation. It may be a practice based on research (such as proactive advising, retention theory, non-cognitive skills development, student development theory), experience, or a model. This connects the individual practice to a broader conceptual framework. For example: a presentation on involving students in international experiences may have a research framework that ties international experiences to increased engagement and persistence in postsecondary. Example: a presentation about forming collaborations may be grounded in relevant experience that led to formulation of a partnership model –practice to theory. Andrea explains how we are seeking presentations that are evidence based and/or founded in a theoretical framework.

14 4 General Tips for good presentations
You should be able to give your presentation without your slides; your slides should not be able to give a presentation without you Utilize new technologies -- multimedia Avoid talking heads Think of your presentation as part of a conversation with attendees Kyle

15 Resources for quality presentations
Slideshare: Making the Most of Conference Presentations TED Talks the-worlds-greatest-ted-talks/ Eric Stoller: Conference Sessions Do Not Have to Suck not-have-suck Kyle

16 Opportunities to Present
TRIO 10 regional conferences State and chapter association meetings Local college access network meetings Non TRIO National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) American Council of Personnel Administrators (ACPA) National College Access Network (NCAN) Kyle explains the state and regions are also a place to go to present and resources on how to find them

17 Other opportunities to present in trio community

18 Crisis of Confidence Imposter Syndrome
Kyle explains the state and regions are also a place to go to present and resources on how to find them

19 Contact information Andrea G. Takemoto Reeve College Access & Success Consultant Instructor, Student Affairs in Higher Education  Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado 970/ Kyle K. Ethelbah, MPH Director, TRIO Programs The University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT   801/

20 Any questions

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