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Vocabulary Unit 2 Words 6 - 10 8th Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Unit 2 Words 6 - 10 8th Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Unit 2 Words 8th Grade

2 Detriment: (n.) harm or loss
An inability to get along with other people will be a great detriment to you in any career you may choose. Detriment: (n.) harm or loss

3 (adj.) long-lasting, not easily worn out
The Energizer Bunny claims that his batteries are the most durable of all.   Durable: (adj.) long-lasting, not easily worn out

4 The enterprising boy sold lemonade on a hot summer’s day.
(adj.) ambitious, willing to start something new

5 My mom saves money by using coupons. She is very frugal.
(adj.) avoiding waste and luxury

6 The woman walked gingerly on the slippery, icy road.
(adj., adv.) with extreme care and caution

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