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Presentation on theme: "WHICH ONE DOESN’T BELONG?"— Presentation transcript:

You will see 4 answers…3 of the answers have something in common; choose the “one that does not fit into the category that groups the other 3

2 Which One Doesn’t Belong?
The amount of sunlight present in an ecosystem The availability of water in an ecosystem The number of trees that produce fruit all year long in an ecosystem The temperature at different seasons in an ecosystem

3 Which One Doesn’t Belong?
Nitrates Algal blooms Oxygen depletion Ozone depletion

4 Which One Doesn’t Belong?
Barnacle & whale Tick & dog Eel & trout Mistletoe & spruce

5 Which One Doesn’t Belong?
Threatened species HIV deaths Internet access Population

6 Which One Doesn’t Belong?
Trees in a forest White tail deer in a forest Tiger sharks at a coral reef Sidewinders in the desert

7 Which One Doesn’t Belong?
Zebra mussels Cane Toads Pigs Kudzu

8 Which One Doesn’t Belong?
a frost wipes out 60% of a strawberry crop A new predator is introduced to control the deer population Forest fire destroys 300 acres of a forest Wake county clears 100 acres of land to build a new high school

9 Which One Doesn’t Belong?
Diatoms Euglena Rotifers Stentor

10 Which One Doesn’t Belong?
Zebra Phytoplankton Lion Bacteria

11 Which One Doesn’t Belong?
Ozone PCBs Mercury DDT

12 Which One Doesn’t Belong?
Acid Rain Global Warming Ozone Depletion Protected areas

13 Which One Doesn’t Belong?
wolves Lions Bears Hawks

14 Which One Doesn’t Belong?
Honey guide bird & badger Clown fish & sea anemone Shark & remora Oxpecker bird & buffalo


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