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Creating a Business Letter

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1 Creating a Business Letter
BUSINESS COMMUNICATION-I Creating a Business Letter

2 What is a Business Letter?
Why write one? Written to give information Written to serve as evidence in cases of dispute Written to build goodwill Written to remember facts Written because they are convenient To Whom is one written? What should be in one? What is proper format? A personal letter is written to a friend or family member. A business letter is written to an organization or a company. Business letters should be brief and to the point. They have a proper format which we will discuss. A guideline is three paragraphs, including an introductory paragraph that explains who you are and why you are writing. A main paragraph that includes what you would like the person to whom you are writing to do A final paragraph thanking the addressee for listening

3 What are the types of Business Letters?
Formal Business May or May not be typed on Letterhead Letterhead Already contains your return address You don’t retype it Personal Business Letters are the ones you would most often write. Formal Business Letters are written on Letterhead, such as NorthenHighlands letterhead. Some folks create their own letterhead. We will learn how to do that in a future lesson. IN the mean time we will concentrate on creating Personal Business Letters, which mean you will put your return address in the heading

4 What are the Required Parts of a Business Letter?
Letterhead or Heading Dateline Inside Address Salutation Body Complimentary Closing Signature Typists Initials Optional: Enclosure Attachment All parts of the letter are required except for Enclosure and Typist Initials. These are only used under specific conditions Click on the hyperlink to show one sample

5 What’s in The Heading (your information)
Single Spaced – followed by four lines Always includes the date As the last entry Business Letter (no letterhead) Your return address Only abbreviation is Postal Code - NJ May include Phone#, Fax#, Date Formal Business Letter (on letterhead) Date only There are exact spacing rules for each part of the business letter. The date is always placed in the heading. Your return address (and other optional parts) is mandatory in a Personal Business Letter (not on LetterHead)

6 Letterheads




10 What is the Inside Address (addressee’s information)
Person’s Name, Title Company Name/Department Company Address Single Spaced Followed by one blank lines (Enter Key twice) The inside address is required. Try to find the exact name and title of the person to whom you are writing. If you cannot, you might try something like Customer Relations Department Manager.

11 What is the Salutation? (a greeting)
Dear Mr. Irfan Dear Dr. Kamal Ahmed Dear Ms. Zahid Khan Ansari Gentlemen Dear Sir or Madam It is best if you know the person’s name and title to write Dear “that”. If you do not know the person’s name, use one of the last two choices.

12 What is the Body? (The actual letter)
Brief and to the point! Strictly Business Guideline – 3 paragraphs (at least) Brief Introduction Contents - What I want Conclusion and Thank you Each paragraph: Single Spaced Followed by one blank lines (Enter Key twice) The letter should be brief and to the point. Ideally, it is no longer than one page. There should not be any unnecessary information in it, but it should contain all important facts. It should succinctly describe your reason for writing the letter, and what you expect the result of your letter to be.

13 Complimentary Close Sincerely, Yours truly, Respectfully yours,
Followed by three lines (Enter Key 4 times) After printing you will sign the letter here These are samples of acceptable closing statements. Always allow four spaces after your close, so you can sign the printed letter in ink

14 Signature Your Full Name Your Title (if appropriate)
Mrs. Rizwana Jabeen Your Title (if appropriate) Followed by one lines (Enter Key twice) If optional parts are required If you are writing in a specific capacity (e.g. Secretary of Freshman Class), use your title. If not, skip the title line. Put your Title (Miss, Ms, Mr) in the signature, so the person replying knows how to address you.

15 Optional Parts Typist Initials Enclosure
If your secretary typed this for you AH/K Enclosure If something else is in the letter or package Followed by one lines (Enter Key twice) If there is anything else in the letter or package use Enclosure. If you type this for someone else, or your secretary typed it for you (e.g. Mr. Keenan’s secretary types letters for his signature) the Typists initials should be the last thing on the page

16 What are acceptable punctuation styles for a Business Letter?
Open No punctuation after Salutation or Complimentary Closing Dear Mrs. Samina Karim Respectfully yours Mixed Punctuation after Colon (:) after Salutation Dear Sir: Comma (,) after Complimentary Closing Sincerely, Either Open or Mixed Punctuation is acceptable in both Block and Modified Block Styles. Don’t mix them up. If you use OPEN, there is no punctuation after the “Dear Sir”, or after the “Sincerely” If you choose MIXED, there is a colon after “Dear Sir:” and a comma after the “Sincerely”

17 Example: Block/mixed punctuation

18 Example: Modified Block/Open Punctuation

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