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Das Auge des Zauberers.

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Presentation on theme: "Das Auge des Zauberers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Das Auge des Zauberers

2 Das Auge des Zauberers Diese Aktivitäten
Brauchen graphische Elemente und helfen dadurch, das visuelle Gedächnis zu unterstützen, trotz Sprach- und Kenntnislücken Unterstützen Schüler beim Entwickeln von einfache Sätze Verbinden Lehr- und Bewertungsaktivitäten

3 Ich sehe… Teachers select the utterances to place in the Hint boxes according to their pupils’ level. These are examples only. Teacher select how many to use; this may progress over time. I denke, dass….

4 Ich sehe… The image is animated to appear on mouse click I denke, dass….

5 Ich sehe… Ich denke, dass….
A classroom activity - guess which picture. The image is animated to appear on mouse click Ich denke, dass….

6 Bitte um Hilfe Ich sehe… Beschreibe Ich denke, dass…. Frage
This screen exemplifies other Hints for classes with more language Ich denke, dass…. Frage

7 This screen exemplifies icons used to represent the same Hints

8 Andere Beispielsbilder



11 and matching word cards
Reading games with cards: Read individual words from the screen and grab/hold up the card Put the cards in the order you see them in a longer text Sort word cards into dictionary order Using picture card and matching word cards Listening games with miniflashcards: Listen (to simple utterances) and grab/hold up the card Listen (to a story) and grab/hold up the card when you hear its name Put the cards in the order you hear Listen to a spelling and hold up the card Speaking games with cards: Turn over picture cards and say the word Turn over word cards and say them Turn over words cards and spell Turn over picture cards – say and spell (Pelmanism) Find a pair and say the word In pairs: say the names against the clock In a group – each say if you like the thing on the picture / which is your favourite Say a sentence using the picture card Teachers make paired cards – picture cards and word cards to support these activities and memory training Writing games with miniflashcards: Stick them on a poster / in your book and write labels Write down the words you like best in your own language and the new language Write the words in dictionary order Write a sentence using the picture word


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