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FFA Jeopardy! Waterford Union High School. Rules Each team sends one person per turn. They cannot get help from their team First to buzz in gets 15 seconds.

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Presentation on theme: "FFA Jeopardy! Waterford Union High School. Rules Each team sends one person per turn. They cannot get help from their team First to buzz in gets 15 seconds."— Presentation transcript:

1 FFA Jeopardy! Waterford Union High School

2 Rules Each team sends one person per turn. They cannot get help from their team First to buzz in gets 15 seconds to answer. If the first person to buzz cannot get the answer, the second team can buzz in. Once they buzz in, they too have 15 seconds. They also cannot get help. You either gain or lose points on each turn. If no team buzzes within 10 seconds, the question ends and the answer is given.

3 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 FFA Degrees FFA Activities FFA Traditions Official Dress Activities & History The FFA Emblem

4 FFA Degrees These help to recognize individual achievement of FFA Members in career preparation and leadership Development. FFA Degrees

5 This is the first degree an FFA member in high school could receive. Greenhand

6 FFA Degrees This is the highest FFA degree awarded at the chapter level. Chapter

7 FFA Degrees This degree is awarded in Madison, WI and is the highest degree awarded in the Wisconsin FFA State

8 FFA Degrees Less than one half of one percent of FFA members will ever receive this degree. American

9 FFA Activities CDE stands for this: Career Development Event

10 FFA Activities This is a members personal project or job that gives them career experience in a specific field while they are still in high school SAE or Supervised Agricultural Experience.

11 FFA Activities This is an FFA contest where students present their results from their research projects. Agriscience Fair

12 FFA Activities This the application students submit for competition that shows the hours and skills acquired as part of their SAE Proficiency Application

13 FFA Activities These contests improve a students communication skills. Speaking Contests

14 FFA Traditions This contains the following: Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve The FFA Motto

15 FFA Traditions The FFA Creed was written by this man at this institution. E.M. Tiffany at UW-Madison

16 FFA Traditions This is the FFA Salute. The Pledge of Allegiance

17 FFA Traditions These are the official FFA Colors National Blue and Corn Gold

18 FFA Traditions These words, Premier Leadership, Personal Growth, and Career Success, are a part of this. The FFA Mission Statement

19 Official Dress This kind of shirt is required for official dress. White Collared Shirt or Blouse

20 Official Dress This color of pants, shoe, and socks are required for official dress. Black

21 Official Dress Only this kind of tie or scarf may be used for official dress (and is necessary for proper official dress!) FFA Tie or Scarf

22 Official Dress This is never ok to do in Official Dress, even if you are legally of age. Smoke Cigarettes, Drink Alcohol, or Chew Tobacco

23 Official Dress These must be worn on your feet if you are wearing an FFA Jacket Black dress shoes or high heels

24 Activities and History Waterford FFA is the oldest chapter in the state. 3rd

25 Activities and History This chapter activity is conducted every spring. It is where the Greenhand and Chapter degrees are awarded to Waterford FFA Members. All members should attend this event! The FFA Banquet

26 Activities and History This activity is conducted every June and is where the State Degrees are awarded to FFA members. The Wisconsin State FFA Convention

27 Activities and History DAILY DOUBLE How much will you wager? This was the year that The National FFA was founded. 1928

28 Activities and History This piece of legislation, enacted in 1917, created agricultural education in Americas classrooms across the nation. The Smith Hughes Act

29 The FFA Emblem This symbol stands for Wisdom and Knowledge The Owl

30 The FFA Emblem This symbol stands for labor and work ethic The Plow.

31 The FFA Emblem This symbol represents a new day in agriculture, and indicates that the FFA is a progressive organization that seeks better solutions to all problems. The Rising Sun

32 The FFA Emblem The ear of corn represents this: Unity

33 The FFA Emblem This is represented by the eagle and the shield on top of the emblem. American Ideals

34 FINAL JEOPARDY Make your wagers! He is called the Father of the FFA Henry Groseclose

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