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April 2019 AQA Paper 1 – Islam 1st Can you define Ablution?

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1 April 2019 AQA Paper 1 – Islam 1st Can you define Ablution?
Can you define rak’ah? Can you define salah? Can you define Wudu? How many daily prayers are suggested in the Qur’an? What does Imam mean? What does Iman mean? Can you define Friday prayer? Can you define Jummah? Give 5 reasons a Muslim might pray 2nd “Sunni and Shi’a Muslims have more in common than divide them” – What do you think? Give 2 reasons for your view. Why might someone disagree with you? Give 2 reasons for their point of view When Muhammad died who did, those later known as, the Sunni Muslims believe should be the leader? When Muhammad died who did, those later known as, the Shi’a Muslims believe should be the leader? What do Sunni Muslims mean by the ‘Night of Power’? 3rd Can you define Adam? Can you define Risalah? “make no distinction between any of them” 2:136 is talking about the prophets. What does this suggest about how they should be viewed? What books did Ibrahim, Musa and Dawud deliver to humans? What does the Qur’an say about how Adam was created? How did God show that he was proud of Adam? 4th Can you define Allah? Can you define Mosque? Can you define Muslim? Can you define Muhammad? Can you define Islam (3)? Can you define the oneness of God (Tawhid)? Tawhid represents 1 God with 1 will. What does that mean? “He is neither begot nor begotten” – Surah 112. What does this teach the reader about God 5th What is Sadaqah? Give 4 examples of how a Muslim could give Sadaqah Sadaqah is not mandatory. Explain what this means? What percentage is given by Shi'a Muslims to the imam for Khums? What is a Nisab? Why do Muslims give Zakah at the end of Ramadan? Who is entitled to receive Zakah? According to the Qur’an where does all wealth come from? 6th Can you define angels? Can you define Jibril? Can you define Mika’il? What is “the record that tells the truth” – 23:62 Which mountain was Muhammad praying in when he was visited by angel Jibril? What is the nature of angels? Explain how angels were made? Explain the roles of angels – e.g. Izra’il is the angel of death 7th Some Muslim women will not perform prayer during menstruation. Explain why this is Dhikr is reciting the 99 beautiful names of Allah. Why might a Muslim do this during prayer? Explain why a Muslim might pray at home? Explain how giving Zakah is an act of worship What is the percentage of zakatable wealth given as Zakah tax? 8th Can you define Ashura? Why do Sunni Muslims celebrate during Ashura? What are Shi’a Muslims remembering during Ashura? Give 3 ways a Shi’a Muslim remembers during Ashura Give 3 ways a Sunni Muslim celebrates during Ashura Explain why Ashura is important to Shi’a Muslims Why might a Muslim wear black during Ashura? 9th Can you define Authority? Can you define Beneficence? Can you define justice? Can you define day of judgement? Can you define Adalat? What is human accountability? What is predestination? Give 4 sources of authority for Muslims What are the Twelvers? 10th Give 4 groups that would be exempt from fasting What might a female who is menstruating do to try to keep their fast? Fasting should occur once someone has reached puberty unless this will cause ‘hardship’. What does that mean? Explain why it would be difficult to fast in a Muslim country Explain why it would be had to fast in a non-Muslim country 11th Explain what happens in the Gabriel Hadith Name 2 people in the Gabriel Hadith Name one angel from the hadith Give two things that the Gabriel Hadith teaches the reader Give 3 angels in Islam Explain why angels are important in Islam Give 3 angels in Islam in English 12th Can you define fairness? The Qur’an says that “God does not wrong people at all” how does this link to the idea that God is fair and just? Explain how humans are both free and predestined at the same time ‘this life is preparation for the next’ – what does that mean? What is al-Qadar? Give 5 of the 99 names of Allah

2 April 2019 AQA Paper 1 – Islam 13th What is a du’a?
Name the 5 prayer times in Arabic and English List the steps (in chronological order) that a Sunni Muslim would do before they perform prayer Explain how Sunni and Shi’a prayer is different Explain how Sunni and Shi’a prayer is similar Why might Shi’a Muslims combine prayers? Why is it important for Muslims to learn Arabic? What is a Mohr made of? What actions might make the wudu invalid? Why is this? Give 4 features of the Mosque that maybe used during prayer What does the expression “Allahu Akbar” mean? During Jummah prayers where does the imam stand to lead the prayer? Traditionally Muslim men and women pray separately. Explain why 14th Can you define the five pillars? Can you define sawm? Can you define giving alms? Can you define Zakah? Can you define Khums? Which denomination of Islam pay Khums? Why? What is a pillar? “the Shahadah is the most important pillar of Islam” – do you agree? Give 2 reasons for your point of view What does ibadah mean? What is niyyah and why is it important when completing the 5 pillars? Which pillar of Islam tells the reader that Muhammad is the prophet of Allah? Can you define fasting? Can you define the night of power? Can you define Ramadan? Can you define recitations? Can you define revelation? 15th Can you define the five roots of Usul ad-Din? Can you define the ten obligatory acts? List the 6 articles of faith List the 5 roots of Usul ad-Din What are the key similarities and differences between the 6 articles and the 5 roots Which denomination follows the 6 articles? Which denomination follows the 5 roots? What does fard mean? Where is Makkah? Give 3 places a Muslim might visit during hajj Why is being in a state of Ihram important before you begin your hajj? Why do Muslims collect pebbles during the hajj? What happens at the jamarat during hajj? What is sacrificed at the end of the hajj? Why? Why do Muslims shave their head at the end of hajj? 16th God has 99 names. How does this help Muslims to understand what God is like? Give 3 reasons why some Muslims will not sculpt/ draw/illustrate God “It is wrong to draw God” – give 2 reasons why some Muslims would not agree with this statement What does ineffable mean? What is shirk? “Worship God and shun false Gods” – 5:73. What does this mean? Why is the Shahadah an example of tawhid? Give 3 times in their life a Muslim may hear the Shahadah Give 3 times in their life a Muslim may say the Shahadah What sentence might a Shi’a Muslim add to the Shahadah? (hint – link to Ali) If a wealthy Muslim has been to hajj before what might they do to help others complete their hajj? You should not go on the hajj if you are putting your family at risk – why? 17th Can you define Shi’a Islam? Can you define Sunni Islam? Give 2 sources of authority in Islam Give 2 denominations of Islam Shi’a Muslims believe their destiny is fixed and therefore God is just to provide punishments and rewards. How does this link to Adalat? “no soul may die except with God’s permission at a predestined time” (3:145). What does this mean? Shi'a Muslims believe that during the judgement reading of their book an imam can intercede on a persons behalf. What does this mean? Can you define Akhirah? Can you define life after death? Jannah is another name for what? How does the Qur’an describe hell? How does the Qur’an describe paradise? 18th Can you define the gospel? Can you define the Qur’an? How is the Qur’an organised? The hadiths do not have the same status and authority as the Qur’an. Can you explain why? Can you define the psalms? Can you define the scrolls of Abraham? Can you define the Shahadah? Can you define surah? Can you define the Torah? Muhammad was 40 when he received the first revelation of the Qur’an. Explain how this happened Why do the holy books have authority in Islam? The Qur’an is divided into 30 sections to allow a Muslim to do what during Ramadan? What is a Masjid?

3 April 2019 AQA Paper 1 – Islam 19th Can you define greater jihad?
Can you define lesser jihad? Give 2 examples of greater jihad Give 2 examples of lesser jihad Explain the difference between greater and lesser jihad What does the term jihad mean in English? Which jihad did Muhammad say was more important? Why? Only a legitimate ruler can declare lesser jihad. Why? 20th Can you define hajj? Can you define the Ka’aba? Can you define Makkah? Can you define Arafat? Can you define Mina? Give 3 things that Muslims do during hajj to remember Ibrahim Explain how Adam, Ibrahim and Muhammad all link to the Ka’aba? How many days does the hajj last? Give 4 benefits of going on the hajj 21st Can you define heaven? Can you define hell? Can you define resurrection? What is barzakh? What does barzakh mean in English? Akhirah is possible due to the grace of God. What does this mean? Muslims understand the resurrection to be physical. What does this mean? Allah can resurrect bodies that are just "bones and dust [or even] as hard as stone" 17:49 - what does this mean? 22nd Can is the Arabic word for God? What does Inshallah mean? How does the belief ‘Inshallah’ link to al Qadar? What is predestination? “when HE decrees something, he says only ‘be’ and it is” (Quran 2:117). What does this show about God’s power. During the state of Ihram what must a Muslim not do? Name the 5 pillars of Islam Name 4 holy books in Islam 23rd Explain why a Muslim might struggle (jihad) to perform 5 prayers a day Explain why a Muslim might struggle (jihad) to pay Zakah Explain why a Muslim might struggle (jihad) to keep their fast Explain why a Muslim might struggle (jihad) to save money to go on their hajj Explain why a Muslim might struggle (jihad) to go to work/school during their fast Explain why a Muslim will try to fast during Ramadan Give 3 things a Muslim could learn during fasting 24th Give 3 prophets in Islam The Qur’an states that God is ‘closer to you than your jugular vein” (surah 50). What does this mean? How does this teach us about the nature of God? Can you define human accountability? Can you define human freedom? Allah knows what decisions humans will make even before they have made them BUT Muslims still believe in free will. Why? What is the Mahdi? 25th Can you define Ibrahim? What did God ask Ibrahim to sacrifice? Why? What celebration remembers Ibrahim being wiling to make a sacrifice for God? What did God do when Ibrahim’s community tried to burn him alive? Can you define Mercy? Shi’a Muslims believe that the prophets could commit sins they did not. What do Sunni Muslims believe? 26th Can you define Id-ul-Adha? Name Ibrahim’s wives Name Ibrahim’s sons Give 3 reasons why Muslims may look to Ibrahim as a role model Give 5 things a Muslim might do to celebrate Id-ul-Adha What is a khutbah? Give 3 special times a year there might be a khutbah in the mosque 27th Can you define Id-ul-Fitr? Give 5 things a Muslim might do to celebrate Id-ul-Fitr Explain why a Muslim will try and fast during Ramadan Explain how a Muslim might help others during their fast Would it be harder to fast as a receptionist or a builder? Explain your reasons Give 2 beliefs or teachings that link to fasting in Islam How long does Ramadan last? 28th Can you define the imamate? What is a caliph? Name 2 successors of Muhammad Explain why some Muslims wanted Ali to lead after Muhammad died Explain why some Muslims wanted Abu Bakr to lead after Muhammad died Muhammad wanted Makkah to be monotheist and not polytheist. What does this mean? 29th Can you define immanence? “He set down the earth for his creatures” – how does this help us understand God’s nature? Who was the first man to be created? How was he made? What did the angels contribute to the origins of the first man? What knowledge was the first man given? 30th Explain what the role of a prophet is Why is Muhammad the seal of the prophets? What does PBUH stand for and why do some Muslims use it in their speech and writing Name 3 prophets in Islam The prophets all shared a message of monotheism. What does this mean? What is idolatry?

4 The six articles of faith The five roots of Usul ad-Din
Islam Complete the bricks by colour coding them all to match the topics line at the bottom. Each brick can have more than one colour but it must have at least one colour. One has been done for you. Shahadah Salah Zakah Sadaqah Hajj Khums Sawm The six articles of faith The five roots of Usul ad-Din Ibadah Ibrahim Monotheism The Night of Power Mohr Qur’an Iman Imam Niyyah Angels Id-ul-Adha Adam Rak’ah Surah Risalah Tawhid 99 beautiful names Id-ul-Fitr Adalat Masjid / Mosque Predestination Akhirah Barzakh Jummah prayer Ashura Muhammad The Gospels The scrolls of Abraham The Imamate Abu Bakr Ali Iftar Ablution Beliefs Practices Allah Prophets Worship Holy books Sunni Shi’a The five pillars of Islam

5 Explain how each belief influences Muslims into action – One has been done for you
What actions would the individual do for themselves? What actions would the individual do for their friends and family? What actions would the individual do for their local community or ummah ? What actions would the individual do for the worldwide ummah? Muslims believe in one God with one will (Tawhid) The Holy books were revealed to the prophets from God There will be a day of judgement and God will judge humans Angels exist and they have various roles Prophets have been chosen by God to pass on his message – there will not be any more prophets God has 99 qualities simultaneously Humans are all pre-destined There is a life after death The Qur’an is a written authority in Islam In the Qur’an it says that Muslims should pray 5 times a day Arrange their time to accommodate for 5 prayers Think about what they want to say to God Carry a prayer mat/beads/Mohr? Clear an area ready for prayer Teach their children how to pray Encourage others to pray Pray with their children Take their families/friends to mosque/masjid Teach their children Arabic Donate/ help out at the mosque Attend Jummah prayer Teach others to pray Talk about why/how Muslims pray Take others who may struggle to mosque/masjid Donate to help others who face persecution Pray with others when travelling Muslims should fast (if able) during Ramadan Friday prayer is important Paying Zakah tax is important Muslims should help others in the community (ummah) if they can Muslims should show the right intention (niyyah) in their lives All Muslims should go on the hajj at least once in their lifetime Living as a Muslim will involve struggle (jihad) Ibrahim was told to sacrifice his son During Ashura (Shi’a) Muslims remember the death of Hussein During Ashura (Sunni) Muslims remember the slavery of the Jews in Egypt

6 Iman Mosque God 5 pillars A B C D E F G H I J K L Holy Books Angels
Islam - L has been done for you. This sheet has some spaces for quotes/teachings/ examples/ evidence as notes which you could use if you were going to write up your ideas in full. God 5 pillars Holy Books Mosque Iman Risalah Angels A B C D E F G H I J K L Faith is shown in mosque Faith community meet in mosque Learn/teach about faith in mosque Example- L – Iman means faith. Muslims can show their faith by attending the Mosque; but they do not have to. When in the Mosque a Muslim can show their faith by worshipping God through prayer. They may do this 5 times a day (this does not have to be in a mosque). To perform a prayer in the mosque a Muslim would hear the call to prayer, take off their shoes, perform ablution, face Makkah and then perform a series of rak’ahs. The belief of Monotheism can be seen in a mosque as there will be no idols or statues only geometric patterns or calligraphy.

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