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ESS.VIP ADMIN 21.04.2016 Sorina Vâju.

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Presentation on theme: "ESS.VIP ADMIN 21.04.2016 Sorina Vâju."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESS.VIP ADMIN Sorina Vâju

2 Objectives of the ESS.VIP ADMIN
facilitate the use of administrative sources without compromising on quality of the output Why are we doing this project? European Member States are using more and more administrative sources in statistical production. This is a great opportunity to reduce cost and burden of the European statistics. At the same time we run the risk of creating quality issues. Member States use a variety of sources and methods to integrate these sources in statistical production, therefore the quality of their output may be not uniform. The first goal of the project is to offer support to European Member States to improve their use of administrative sources (sharing of best practices on accessing sources, methodological guidelines and support). This will reduce the cost and burden of European statistics. The second goal is to ensure that the European output produced using data coming from a variety of sources is of sufficient quality. Providing methodological guidelines will help to provide more harmonised output. At the same time we need to develop tools to measure the quality of this output.

3 Key areas of work Access to data Use of Commission administrative data
Quality measurement Methodology for integrating sources Frames for social statistics Use of Commission administrative data The project work in several areas in order to make better use of administrative sources. Additionally, there will be methodological and financial support to Member States to make progress in the areas covered by the project. The project does not cover IT tools and infrastructure. It was agreed during the preparation of the project that we need first to make progress on methodological aspects.

4 ESSnet on quality of multisource statistics
Work packages Access to and development of administrative data sources Statistical methods Quality measures for statistics using administrative data Eurostat as an (in)direct user of administrative data sources held or designed by the Commission Frames for social statistics Pilot studies and applications Methodological support to Member States ESSnet on quality of multisource statistics

5 WP1. Access to data 1.1 Legal and institutional environment in Member States On-going contract Workshop on access to administrative data sources (13- 14/09/2016, Brussels) Final report 12/2016 1.2 Best practices regarding the relation with data providers Final report 04/2017 1.3 Preparation of long-term EU actions to improve the access to administrative data sources Task Force, possibly supported by a contract Duration:

6 WP2. Statistical methods
2.1 Review of relevant estimations methods and provision of guidelines A. Review of theoretical knowledge and current practices Contract to start soon Report due around 02/2017 B. Guidelines for using estimation methods Contract in 2017 2.2 Combining multiple sources using modeling and estimation methods Practical focus: identification of best practices in MS by statistical domain and by main type of existing administrative source

7 WP3. Quality measures for statistics using administrative data
On-going ESSnet on quality of multisource statistics includes: WP3: 3.1 Checklists for evaluating the quality of input data 3.2 Framework for the quality evaluation of statistical output based on multiple sources 3.3 Dissemination and implementation and Task 5.2 Methodology for the assessment of the quality of frames for social statistics (belonging to WP5 Frames for social statistics)

8 WP4. Eurostat as a (in)direct user of administrative data sources held or designed by the EC
4.1 Pilot on using catch reporting data for catch statistics Comparison of DG MARE data with Eurostat data Grants to be launched in 2016 4.2 Pilot on using IACS database for agricultural statistics Three on-going waves of grants First reports received Last reports due 06/2017 4.3 Other pilots Identify a new pilot: 2016; run it

9 WP5. Frames for social statistics
5.1 Report on the availability, kind and development of base registers on persons and buildings (dwellings) and derived frames used in the Member States On-going contract Report 06/2017 5.2 Methodology for the assessment of the quality of frames for social statistics Included in the ESSnet on quality of multisource statistics 5.3 Preparation of long-term EU actions to increase the availability and quality of sustainable frames in the Member States Task Force, possibly supported by a contract Duration:

10 WP6. Pilot studies and applications
A. Yearly waves of grants ( ) 2015: 13 grant agreements First interim reports received First round of final reports: 09/2016 Last final reports: end 2019 B. Contracts to improve methodology for using administrative data in chosen areas ( ) 2016: education statistics 2017: morbidity statistics

11 WP7. Methodological support to Member States
Content: Helpdesk services on methodological issue (functional mail box) On-site interventions upon request (starting with 2017) Training (ESTP programme) Synergy with other projects

12 Further information CROS portal (under construction)
CIRCABC – public folder a-b02b c26190 CIRCABC – restricted folder 8b3b-41d3-b191-4dd8eab64931 Contact persons Sorina Vâju

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