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Annotated Timelines- Instructions

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Presentation on theme: "Annotated Timelines- Instructions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Annotated Timelines- Instructions
You will be assigned a region You will be assigned a theme (a development or concept that has shaped a region). Trace this concept over 2 timeframes 8,000 BC-600 C.E. AND 600 C.E 4)Research critical events with dates and then put them in chronological order. 5)Write out brief annotations for each events 6)Look for a pattern- What are the changes and continuities? 7) Formulate a Thesis Statement

2 What should my project look like?
One sheet of paper 8x11 or 8x14 with photographs of key events along with dates plotted out chronologically. A minimum of 6 events a maximum of 8. A PowerPoint of your events along with a map of your region. Under each event you should annotate a description of the event. A full thesis statement including world context, time and region along with the impact of the development and analysis of changes and continuities.

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