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10 Lesson Intervention 6.IP Lesson 2

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1 10 Lesson Intervention 6.IP Lesson 2
© Andrew P. Johnson, Ph.D.

2 IP LESSON 2 1. Language Experience 2. Word wall riddle review 3
IP LESSON 2 1. Language Experience 2. Word wall riddle review 3. Word parsicle 4. Maze mini-story 5. Fluency work 6. Sentence dictation

3 2. Word wall riddle review

4 Word Wall Riddle Review

5 Do this to your jacket. unzip
dripping chipped script airship triplets snippers gossip slippers ripping unzip

6 Floats through the air. airship
dripping chipped script airship triplets snippers gossip slippers ripping unzip

7 You read this. script dripping chipped script airship triplets snippers gossip slippers ripping unzip

8 You can cut with this. snippers
dripping chipped script airship triplets snippers gossip slippers ripping unzip

9 End of a hose. dripping dripping chipped script airship triplets snippers gossip slippers ripping unzip

10 3. Word parsicle

11 Word Parsicle Guess the Word

12 sn_pp_ _ _ sn_pp_r_ sn_pp_rs snippers e_ _ ip_ _ _ _ eq_ip_ _ _ _ eq_ipm_ _ _ eq_ipm_ _ t eq_ipm_nt equipment

13 a_ _ _ _ _p a_r_ _ _p a_rsh_p a_rship airship tr_ p_ _ _ _ tr_ pl _ _ _ tr_ pl _ t _ tr_ pl _ ts triplets

14 dr_ pp_ _ _ dr_ pp_ _g dr_ pp_ng dripping ch_pp_ _ ch_pp_d chipped

15 sh_pp_ _ sh_pp_d shipp_d shipped wh_pp_ _ _ wh_pp_ _g wh_pp_ng whipp_ng whipping

16 scr_ _ _ scr_ _t scr_pt script sl_ _ _ _ _ sl_pp _ _ sl_pp _d slipp _d slipped

17 g_ss _ _ g_ss _p goss _p gossip sl_ _ _ _ _ _ sl_pp_ _ _ sl_pp_r_ sl_pp_rs slipp_rs slippers

18 cl_ _ _ _ _ cl_pp_ _ cl_pp_d clipp_d clipped r_ _ _ _ _ _ r_pp_ _ _ r_pp_ng ripping

19 u_z_ _ unz_ _ unz_p unzip gr_ _ _ _ _ gr_pp_ _ gr_pp_d gipp_d gripped

20 4. Maze mini-story

21 Level II Maze Mini-Story The Basketball Game

22 Jill was playing basketball. Molly was on her [time – take – team]
Jill was playing basketball. Molly was on her [time – take – team]. Molly was on her team. Jill threw her [the - then – take] ball. Jill threw her the ball.

23 Molly dribbled the [ball – big – can] toward the basket
Molly dribbled the [ball – big – can] toward the basket. Molly dribbled the ball toward the basket. The other [tip - team – train] tried to stop her. The other team tried to stop her.

24 She took a [ship – shot – show] just as the buzzer sounded
She took a [ship – shot – show] just as the buzzer sounded. She took a shot just as the buzzer sounded. Their team won the game.

25 Jill was playing basketball. Molly was on her team
Jill was playing basketball. Molly was on her team. Jill threw her the ball. Molly dribbled the ball toward the basket. The other team tried to stop her. She took a shot just as the buzzer sounded. Their team won the game.

26 5. Fluency work 6. Sentence dictation

27 6. Word works/writing: Sentence dictation
6. Word works/writing: Sentence dictation. The teacher (or study-buddy) reads the following sentences to the student. The student writes the sentence. After each sentence, the student looks for words that do not look right. The teacher crosses out the word and writes the correct spelling on the bottom. The student writes the correct spelling on top of the word. After each, skip a line and go to the next sentence.

28 Sentence Dictation 1. She gripped it hard. 2
Sentence Dictation 1. She gripped it hard. 2. Use the snippers to cut it. 3. Have you hear the gossip?

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