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Experimental Clinical Psychology Session I

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1 Experimental Clinical Psychology Session I
Eiko Fried Department of Clinical Psychology Leiden University

2 This course is scary!

3 This course is scary! “Statistics is scary” “Methodology is scary”
”You are scary” “I wanna go home”



6 This course is not relevant for me!

7 This course is not relevant for me!
“Statistics is super boring” “Methodology is lame” “You are lame” “I wanna go home”


9 This course is not relevant for me!

10 Ground rules Assignments Every assignments = 80 points
Please read the assignment very carefully Assignment deadline Monday 5pm; else -10% points Grades by Thursday 5pm to encourage discussions OK to collaborate on assignment, but write own answers Plagiarism checks Keep up with reading, only 1 week between last assignment & exam Every assignments = 80 points 5 assignments = 400 points Final grade; 40% assignments, 15% participation, 45% exam

11 Ground rules New Kazdin book; corrections to Kazdin
Bring printout (laptops?) Go to lectures, really go to seminars Attendance & participation English

12 Introduction round Name, background, BA, expectation of course, fun fact



15 Internal validity

16 History 70%

17 Maturation 30%

18 Testing 10%

19 Instrumentation 10%

20 Statistical regression
Regression to the mean 10%

21 Selection bias 20%

22 Attrition 30%

23 Diffusion/imitation 50%
“Problematic. If the prayers are considered the treatment, it is possible that some patients from the control group also received prayers if they happen to have the same first name with one of the 500+ patients from the experimental group. The chance is not low given that some English names are fairly common.”

24 Construct validity

25 Attention/contact 30%

26 Narrow stimulus sampling

27 Experimenter expectancies

28 Der kluge Hans (clever Hans)

29 Der kluge Hans (clever Hans)

30 Demand characteristics

31 Low power 40%

32 Brief excurse to NHST

33 Sample & population URL |


35 Basics Alpha, type I error: H0 is true, probability to falsely reject H0. False positive rate. Beta, type II error: H1 is true, probability to falsely reject H1. False negative rate. The larger Alpha, the smaller Beta, and vice versa Power: 1 - Beta. High power: very low probability to falsely reject H1, i.e. high probability to correctly identify H1.

36 Basics Alpha, type I error: H0 is true, probability to falsely reject H0. False positive rate. Beta, type II error: H1 is true, probability to falsely reject H1. False negative rate. The larger Alpha, the smaller Beta, and vice versa Power: 1 - Beta. High power: very low probability to falsely reject H1, i.e. high probability to correctly identify H1. P-value of 0.03: probability to obtain this finding by chance if you run the same test many times. Significant p-value does not confirm H1, it rejects H0

37 Power calculation Power: function of Sample size: function of
Alpha Sample size Effect size (m1 – m2 / SD ) Sample size: function of Power Why and how is SD relevant?

38 Increase power How can you increase the power of your own study?
Larger mean difference Repeated measures reduces error term Decrease variability / error What does it mean if a study has a power of 0.99? 1% probability to falsely reject H1, i.e. 99% probability to correctly identify H1

39 Examples Study in which you want a strict alpha, i.e. you want to minimize the risk for … false positives Study in which you want a strict beta, i.e. you want to minimize the risk for … false negatives

40 Trends


42 Subject heterogeneity

43 Variability in procedures

44 Unreliability of measures

45 Restricted range of measures

46 Errors in data recording, analysis, and reporting

47 Multiple comparisons


49 Multiple comparisons 0%

50 Multiple tests

51 Multiple comparisons Probability of chance findings:
1-(1-0.05)^1 = 0.05; p-value; number of tests 1-(1-0.05)^3 = 0.14 1-( )^34 = 0.16 1-(1-0.05)^ ( )^34 = 0.30

52 Misreading or misinterpreting the data analysis

53 Why did we choose this paper?
Would you recommend praying?

54 But the trial didn’t do any harm !

55 What really happened …

56 Threats to external validity
Sample characteristics Narrow stimulus sampling Reactivity to experiment Reactivity of assessment Test sensitization Multiple treatment interference Novelty effects Generality across measures

57 DOI |

58 Managing threats to external validity

59 Managing threats to external validity

60 Bayesian framework

61 Bayes

62 Bayes NHST tests tell us whether we can reject H0 given the data
Bayesian analysis compares H0 and H1 and says which one is more likely given the data Bayes factor: probability of observed data given H1 / probability of observed data given H2 P(D|H1) / P(D|H1) BF=10 indicates data are 10x more likely under H1 than H0 Prior probability  data collection  posterior probability


64 Lower alpha vs justify your alpha
DOI | /s x DOI | /s z


66 Break

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