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4th Grade Mrs. Yoon 2017-2018 Principal - Mr. Joe Durkin.

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Presentation on theme: "4th Grade Mrs. Yoon 2017-2018 Principal - Mr. Joe Durkin."— Presentation transcript:

1 4th Grade Mrs. Yoon Principal - Mr. Joe Durkin

2 4th Grade  *High Student Expectations
 *On-going Assessment to Ensure that Students Meet or Exceed Grade Level Academic Standards  *Environment that Promotes the Love of Learning  *Climate Where Students Feel Cared For and Accepted  *Parent Involvement

3 Common Core State Standards
Language Arts Common Core State Standards Regular practice with complex texts and academic language Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from texts, both literary and informational Informative essays, Persuasive/Opinion pieces, and Narratives

4 Math 4th Grade Topics Number Sense Addition/Subtraction Multiplication
Division Fractions Measurement Units and Conversions Lines, Angles, and Shapes Fourth grade is an essential year for students to have memorized their Math Facts. We will work on problems with larger numbers, multiple properties, decimals, fractions, graphing, and geometry.

5 Social Studies & Science
Geography First Californians California Regions Early Settlements Mission Gold Rush Statehood Science Earth Science The Solid Earth Life Science Ecosystems Physical Science Electricity Magnetism

6 STEP & Thinking Maps The Second Step program teaches these critical skills… Skills for Learning Empathy Emotion Management Problem Solving Thinking Maps

7 ROAR Be Responsible. Be Optimistic. Be Accountable. Be Respectful.

*Be prepared for class, each day. Have all necessary items (e.g., sharpened pencils). *Complete all work to your best ability and neatly. *Turn work in on time. *Label all assignments with the proper heading: NAME, STUDENT #, DATE, and SUBJECT/TITLE.

9 Rewards and Consequences
Green = Ready to Learn Yellow = 2nd Verbal Warning Orange = “Behavior Log” Red = Principal’s Office/Phone Call Home/ Parent Conference Purple = Outstanding Behavior Positive Behaviors = Verbal Praise Class Rewards Group Rewards Individual Rewards

10 Playground Citations *Students start fresh each trimester.
1st Citation Warning 2nd Citation Loss of recess 3rd Citation Discipline Notice/Parent Contact 4th Citation Conference *Students start fresh each trimester.

11 Homework *Homework is given as practice for tests and reinforcement of curriculum. *Homework is assigned nightly and is due the following day. Details about the assignment will be written down in your child’s agenda and updated on the class website. *Spelling Homework is assigned on Monday and due on Friday. * Second Step homework is assigned on Monday and is due on Wednesday. Complete the homework together with your child and sign.

12 Homework (Contd.) * Homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday. However, if your child has incomplete work, it will be sent as homework on Friday and will be due on the following Monday. * Students will write their assignments and other important information in their agenda. Please review your child’s agenda nightly to stay updated on behavior, test dates, and important events. After checking, initial/sign your child’s agenda daily. *Homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday. However, if your child has incomplete work, it will be sent as homework on Friday and will be due on the following Monday.

13 Reading ✪ Students will read a minimum of 120 minutes a week (20-30 minutes every night). Students must read and take AR tests on at least 2 books at his or her reading level per month. Accelerated Reader [AR] is an important part of our literature program. ✪ Your child should bring a book to the classroom daily to read during selected times or when he or she has finished an assignment or activity. Students should select books based on their interest and reading level.

14 Grading Policy

15 Why is Standards-Based Better?
Imagine two fourth graders, in the same class, with the same teacher, class discussions, classwork, homework, and tests. Sarah Traditional Sarah does not understand Geometry. She is receiving low marks on her classwork and homework, but learning from her mistakes. Quiz #1 – 5/10 Quiz #2 – 7/10 Test #1 – 15/20 Test #2 – 19/20 FINAL MARK – 72.5% C Sarah’s final grade is strongly affected by her “slow” start. *Earn POINTS John Standards-Based John does not understand Geometry either. He also begins the trimester learning from his mistakes, and his assessments improve. Quiz #1 – 1 Quiz #2 – 2 Test #1 – 3 Test #2 – 3 FINAL MARK – 3 Achieving John is not punished for a “slow” start.

16 Grading Policy (Contd.)
The best part….. Performance Level marks measure your child’s progress toward mastering the standards, so everyone, teacher – student – parent, all know specifically what areas to celebrate success and what areas in which to continue studying, working, and practicing.

17 Class Parties Birthdays ✪ Winter Break ✪ Valentine’s Day
✪ Spring Break ✪ End of Year ★ We must adhere to nutrition guidelines found on the district website. Birthdays If you would like to bring goodie bags or cupcakes to celebrate your child’s birthday, they will be passed out at the end of the school day. Due to a variety of student allergies, no food items or candy with peanuts should be included.

18 A Few More… 3 “Sharpened” Pencils Red pen for correcting
Folders and Notebooks Wide-ruled paper Water bottle PE – Everyday except Wednesday 100 Mile Club Music – Wednesday Recorder

19 Remind Remind Class Code: @26798g
1. Text the class to 2. Download Remind app and enter the class code. 3. Go to, enter the class code, and follow the instruction. You will receive text messages regarding upcoming quizzes/tests, projects, and events in our classroom. These messages travel one-way only; you would not be able to respond to texts.

20 Contact Information School Phone: Agenda: Write notes in your child’s agenda *Please feel free to contact me to schedule a time to discuss concerns or your child’s progress.

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