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18 januari 2019 Workshop “Climate Change Impacts on Groundwater October 12th 2011, Warsaw Groundwater aspects in the Guidance No.24 on River Basin Management.

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Presentation on theme: "18 januari 2019 Workshop “Climate Change Impacts on Groundwater October 12th 2011, Warsaw Groundwater aspects in the Guidance No.24 on River Basin Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 18 januari 2019 Workshop “Climate Change Impacts on Groundwater October 12th 2011, Warsaw Groundwater aspects in the Guidance No.24 on River Basin Management in a Changing Climate (Klaus Hinsby/Hans Peter Broers/Ronald Kozel/Elisabetta Prezioso) which issues which are not covered with respect to groundwater? What issues should be taken into account in RBMP’s Organizing team Hans Peter Broers (Eurogeosurveys) Elisabetta Preziosi (IRSA-CNR, Italy) Klaus Hinsby (Geus, Denmark) Ronald Kozel (Bafu, Switzerland) Sophie Vermooten (Deltares,the Netherlands)

2 Common Implementation Strategy
WFD and GWD Common Implementation Strategy Strategic Steering Group “WFD and Hydromorphology” Chair: DE, UK and Commission Water Directors Steering of implementation process Chair: Presidency, Co-chair: Commission Stakeholder Forum “Water Scarcity and Droughts” Chair: Commission XXX – Chair: FR/ES/IT Strategic Steering Group “WFD and Agriculture” Chair: FR, UK and Commission Strategic Co-ordination Group Co-ordination of work programme Chair: Commission Art. 21 Committee Drafting Group “Objectives/Exemptions/Economics” Chair: Commission and DK Working Group A “Ecological Status” Chair: JRC, DE and UK Working Group D “Reporting” Chair: Commission, EEA and FR "GIS” Expert Network Working Group F “Floods” Chair: Commission Working Group C “Groundwater” Chair: Commission and AT “Chemical Monitoring” Working Group E “Priority Substances” Chair: Commission “Chemical Monitoring” Stakeholders, NGO’s, Researchers, Experts, etc.

3 Ad hoc task GW and CC Overall objective (WGC mandate)
To make a WGC contribution to horizontal issues, specifically on Climate change effects on groundwater expected pressures and impacts consideration in RBMPs (make them climate resilient) input to SSG on Climate Change and Water. Activity on an ad-hoc basis need a previous approval by the Water Directors and discussions with other WGs where needed.

4 Structure of the activity
One or two workshops (2011, 2012) 2011 workshop endorsed by Water Directors 2012 workshop decided after results of first workshop Interaction with CIS Expert Group on Climate Change and Water Bridge between science and policy Presentations of scientific results (e.g. Genesis, WATCH, Aquaterra) Presentations on policy requirements by MS Presentations on best practices in RBMP’s by MS Recommendations for RBMP’s Programme of measures Monitoring Protected areas Workshop reports with key issues and outcomes of the workshops discussed at the WGC meetings following the workshops.

5 18 januari 2019 Ad hoc task GW and CC (2) Pressures on groundwater systems tend to increase, Primary effects of climate change associated human induced changes of surface and subsurface water management (= secondary effects) Secondary impacts of are expected to have the largest short-term effects on groundwater resources. increase of water demands and abstractions of groundwater for irrigation Land use may affect groundwater recharge and quality (e.g. biofuels)

6 Goals of the first workshop
Aim: collect existing information and establish the knowledge base Policy requirements and knowledge gaps of the member states first step taking into consideration the guidance document 'River basin management in a changing climate'. Best practices in member states Inputs from scientific results of FPVII research projects Genesis, WATCH, Aquaterra national research projects which address the pressures and impacts of CC on groundwater The workshop will be used to share information and exchange views between member states and stakeholders aims to identify what the needs are for future work in CC and groundwater, both from policy and scientific perspective

7 Second workshop 2012 Aim: to make recommendations for climate resilient river basin management plans Recommendations on: programme of measures monitoring setup management of protected areas, both drinking water protected areas and protected nature reserves with groundwater dependent ecosystems. Needs authorisation of Water Directors

8 Meeting program of today
First session: demands of the member states for having CC well incorporated in the 2nd and 3rd River Basin Management Plans Second session: presenting knowledge that is currently available among scientists in Europe Europe wide CC aspects of groundwater: Case studies on CC and groundwater in EU member states Third session: wrap-up discussion how to match knowledge and demands, and make plans for a follow-up.

9 Meeting program 9:00 Start of meeting, welcome by Johannes Grath, co-chair of EU Working Group C on Groundwater 9:10 Introduction on the topics of today (Hans Peter Broers, Chair) First session: demands of the member states for having CC well incorporated in the 2nd and 3rd River Basin Management Plans Groundwater aspects in the Guidance No.24 on River Basin Management in a Changing Climate (Sophie Vermooten) 9:40 Demands identified in the EN water scarcity and droughts group (Didier d’Hont)) 9:55 WaterCAP a CC cluster project in the North Sea region (Rolf Johnsen) 10:10 Discussion on member states demands 10:30 Coffee Break Second session: presenting knowledge that is currently available among scientists in Europe. Europe wide CC aspects of groundwater: 10:50 Overview FPVII orientations on Water and Climate in Europe (Ph. Quevauviller) 11:10 Patterns of CC over Europe based on FPVII Aquaterra/PRUDENCE (Aidan Burton) 11:30 Effects of CC on groundwater on a global and EU scale (Rens van Beek)) 11:50 Droughts in Europe (Henny van Lanen, WATCH, DROUGHT-R&SPI, XEROCHORE)) 12:10 Uncertainty in climate change impact modeling (Torben Sonnenborg)) Case studies on CC and groundwater in EU member states 12:30 Climate change in the alpine groundwater environments (Daniel Hunkeler) 12:45 -14:00 Lunch 18 January 2019

10 Meeting program Case studies continued 14:00 CC effects in the Mediterranean CIRCE project (Michelle Vurro) 14:15 Overview of relevant research in the UK on climate change impacts on groundwater (John Bloomfield) 14:30 Impacts of CC on Salt water intrusion in France (Nathalie Dorfliger) 14:45 Effects of CC mitigation measures on the patterns of salt and fresh water in a Delta environment (Gu Oude Essink) 15:00 CC effects on the Walloon groundwater systems (Pascal Goderniaux) 15:15 Availability of water resources and impacts of CC on drinking water supply in SE Europe (Zoltan Simonffy) 15:30 Groundwater quantitative status in relation to CC (Roland Barthel) 15:45 Impact of CC on groundwater in Sweden (Lena Maxe) 16:00 CC impact in the North Sea and Baltic Sea regions (Klaus Hinsby) 16:15 Coffee break Third session: wrap-up: discussion how to match knowledge and demands, and make plans for a follow-up. 16:40 Discussion on matching knowledge and demands (all) 17:10 Summary of discussions and take home message (Ronald Kozel)) 17:20 Closure (Balazs Horvath, EC) 19:30 Dinner 18 January 2019

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