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Chapter 4, a little more.

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1 Chapter 4, a little more

2 In order to finish Chapter 4 topics
Cover on Oct 11 CSS3 prefixes. Use? or (revisit) Shadow, also inset (revisit) border radius; see Figure; figure caption Opacity – applies to entire selector , such as #wrapper {opacity: 0.6); RGBA – applies to property, such as background-color: rgba(50,50, 50, .6); Link image to webpage Sources of Pics Accessibility Guidelines of Pics Skip Link to image (wait ‘til chap7) HTML5 Meter HTML 5 Progress bar Multiple backgrounds Sprites HSLA Background Clip Background Origin Assign for Student Presentations Favicons Gradients Cover later during Chapter 6 or 7 Thumbnails Image maps

3 Create a folder. (You are not passing this one in.)
We’ll keep it simple; it’s a 1-day activity Your tasks Create a folder. (You are not passing this one in.) Go to CofC Dropbox and download any 6 images. Go to Pixlr (or graphic editor). Crop 3 of them as squares…200px. Resize 2 more at 400 X 300px Download and study the starter HTML & CSS from class website. Then follow along. I will explain the new features as we go.

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