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10th World Studies Turn in: Take out:

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Presentation on theme: "10th World Studies Turn in: Take out:"— Presentation transcript:

1 10th World Studies 12.5.16 Turn in: Take out:
1 Copy of your Outline TRS #4 (online) Take out: Your other Hard Copy of Rough Draft At least 1 colored pen/cil other than BLACK… Today’s objective: I can give and receive feedback on my Fall Research Paper Today’s Agenda: Peer Editing (for those of you with a hard copy) Don Quixote for those without… HW: TRS #5—DUE TUESDAY!!! Online AND Hard Copy

2 Peer Editing—Thesis Is it written in academic language? (no slang, text language or punctuation, etc.) Is it clear? Can you as a reader understand it without help from the author? Does it answer Mr. Steen’s favorite question(s) of WHY, HOW, & SO WHAT?!? Is it an argument? Can it be debated and proven? Provide (kind) feedback…if it’s just “awesome!” that’s not terribly helpful…

3 Is it formatted correctly? Locate and Read the Thesis…
Peer Editing—Outline Is it formatted correctly? Locate and Read the Thesis… Locate and READ all of the BTS Do they relate a portion of the thesis? Does it make sense in relation to the thesis? Locate and READ all of the EVIDENCE Are there at least 2 pieces per Roman Numeral Does it connect to the BTS? Locate and READ all of the ANALYSIS Does the first sentence explain the meaning? Does the second sentence tie back to the thesis?

4 Thesis needs to be the LAST sentence of the first paragraph.
POINTS OF INTEREST Thesis needs to be the LAST sentence of the first paragraph. First sentence of last paragraph needs to be your restatement of your thesis. Directions!!! 12 Point, Times New Roman font!!! Double-spaced, 1” Margin ALL citations (Yes, including in-text) follow MLA formatting! Help is available on the note card directions! Here’s the link I recommend (provides examples for nearly every scenario):

5 Help is available on Ms. Bacon’s website!
In-Text Citations Help is available on Ms. Bacon’s website! Here’s the link I recommend (provides examples for nearly every scenario): Print Source: “awesome textual evidence” (author’s last name Page Number). Ex: “This statement is as clear as mud” (Steen 91). Web Source: “awesome textual evidence” (author’s last name). Ex: “This statement is as clear as mud” (Steen). Web Source (unknown author): “awesome textual evidence” (name of article). Ex: “This statement is as clear as mud” (“Steen’s World”).

6 When Finished with one paper…
Please return to the author… Look at the comments your editor has made for you. REFLECT on the comments, and adjust your rough draft as you see fit. We will repeat the process…

7 Those of you with a hard copy of your rough draft:
Let’s Do This… Those of you with a hard copy of your rough draft: Arise! Take up your arms (that’s your paper…), and strike bravely forward We will match you up with your editing partner. For those less fortunate souls—please take pen and paper, grab a Literature Text book & turn to page 830 & gather at the back table groups.

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