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eLearning for SITS training at Surrey

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1 eLearning for SITS training at Surrey
SITS training meeting, Oxford University 29th February 2012 Aditya Vadali SITS Knowledge Transfer & Projects Officer

2 Welcome - Employed at Surrey since February 2011
- Primarily responsible for delivering SITS & Facility CMIS (timetabling software) training, and supporting projects - Have been involved in efforts to establish SITS training SIG since last year - Organised this meeting with Dr. Richard Clark from UoL & Oxford

3 First meeting on SITS training
The hosts Special thanks to Oxford University for hosting this meeting Collaboration Dr. Richard Clark (University of London) Tribal Sharman Wiles & Carron Windsor

4 Why are we here? - To identify issues and challenges surrounding the delivery of SITS training - To share good practice in SITS training and to see what everyone else is doing - To explore possibilities for collaboration and working together - And, to meet colleagues in other institutions!

5 Format of the meeting - 4 hours long (including networking lunch)
- 2 discussions (45 minutes each) - 4 presentations on specific topics - Each presenter will also share a good practice idea from their institution (not linked to topic) - Discussions will be facilitated by myself and Sharman Wiles

6 How did we get here? - All training at Surrey was classroom based
- SITS training review started in August 2011 - As part of the review… UK HE institutions using SITS surveyed by 21 institutions responded 3 institutions were visited Idea for Tribal SITS training SIG (Special Interest Group) conceived at this time

7 Survey results summary
- Over 40% of the 21 institutions had at least 1 FTE or nearly 1 FTE dedicated for training - Most institutions were just relying on classroom training - Training not high up on agenda for most institutions - Very few institutions using technology

8 SITS training SIG - SIG idea conceived following visit to University of London (UoL) - SIGs exist for lots of SITS areas but not training - Myself & Richard started working on creation of the SIG - We ran an online survey last year to gauge support for idea of training SIG

9 Progress with SITS training SIG
- 23 institutions supported the idea for a SITS training SIG through an online survey. - SIG business case submitted to Tribal by myself & Dr. Richard Clark in December 2011 - But, SIG was not granted a license due to funding constraints - Instead given permission for this meeting by Tribal.

10 Back to SITS training @ Surrey!
- Since the training review, the following major improvements have been made… a simulation tool STT Trainer implemented a blog containing short videos also implemented Basic SITS training delivered fully online now Approximately 2 hours to complete Interactive course with 11 simulations ‘Introduction to CMIS’ will be deployed soon for online delivery

11 Managing training records
- PeopleSoft system used to keep track of all training. - For training, here is how it works…. Instructor creates course in system Delegates book on the course electronically After booking, delegate request is sent electronically to their line manager for approval After line manager approval, request is sent back to Instructor so that Instructor can either “confirm” or “waitlist” the delegate.

12 User view My personal training record (available through the system)

13 The SITS Knowledge Transfer Blog
- One stop shop for SITS training info - Camtasia videos demonstrate short processes - Each video 3 to 4 minutes long - SITS developers will soon be contributing to the blog by writing about new developments and changes to the SITS system

14 The SITS Knowledge Blog

15 STT Trainer - STT (Simulation Training Tool)
- Developed by Kaplan Learning Technologies (now owned by Assima) - STT also used by Northumbria University for SITS training - See it, Try it, Know it functionality is unique selling point

16 Why use STT? - STT deployed to make training “on demand”
- Users can take STT courses from anywhere on the Surrey campus - Learning becomes fun and users can do the courses as many times as they want - So far three people have been trained through STT delivered courses (first course launched 20/02/12). Initial feedback very positive

17 STT Demo

18 STT Trainer report

19 The NHS STT Club - STT is used by a few NHS trusts. In the past, each trust bought STT “on their own” - More recently trusts started to club together to buy STT - When bought by multiple trusts, software hosted by Kaplan so, overheads minimal - Each trust can have their “own workspace” on server and also work collaboratively

20 SITS STT Club? - Institutions can get access to powerful software for relatively low cost - Training can be highlighted as an issue at institutions where it is not high up on the agenda - Deliver quick wins - If anyone is interested in “joining the club”, please contact me on

21 What next for the training agenda?
- Feedback from this event will be passed back to Tribal - SIG idea will be revisited at the conference. - Either myself or Richard Clark (if not both) will be at the conference - If SIG is given a license, next meeting will be in late 2012 in the North (to include Northern Universities).

22 What can you do to help with the training agenda?
please send us your feedback by please send positive feedback to Tribal through Regional User Groups and Special Interest Groups etc Try to come to this year’s Tribal conference to push for training SIG If you know members of the EXG group, please tell them about this meeting.

23 Thank you for listening!
Any questions??

24 All presentations from this event available at
(courtesy of University of London International Programmes)

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