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Vocabulario 1B: El Calendario

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulario 1B: El Calendario"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulario 1B: El Calendario
Los días, los meses, las estaciones, y el tiempo

2 Yo puedo… I can… Success Criteria
Tell the days of the week and the months of the year Ask and tell the date Success Criteria Accurately identify days of the week in and out of sequence Form the date by combining numbers and months of the year

3 yesterday was today is tomorrow is miércoles lunes martes jueves viernes sábado domingo The day La semana = The week El fin de semana = The weekend

4 --¿Qué día es hoy? -- Hoy es _____. --What day is today? --Today is _____.

5 Los meses del año enero febrero marzo abril mayo junio January julio
agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre July February August March September April October May November June December

6 --Today is the _____ of _____.
La fecha --¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy? -- Hoy es el ______ de _______. --What is today’s date? --Today is the _____ of _____. # mes

7 La fecha For the first of the month, use the Spanish word for “first” (NOT uno) Primero To abbreviate the date, use this format: _____/_____/_____ día mes año

8 “Hoy es el ______ de ______.”
¿Cuál es la fecha? Everyone will receive a notecard containing a date in English The color of your card does NOT matter Do not bend the cards Find a classmate to ask “¿Cuál es la fecha?” Your classmate will tell you the date on his/her card in Spanish and then ask you the date on your card Answers must be in this format: “Hoy es el ______ de ______.” Don’t forget about “primero” for the first of the month Exchange cards and repeat the process at least 4 times Bring your card to me, return to your seat and begin today’s homework assignment Complete the chart to complete the sequence of days BACK SIDE- write out the date in Spanish (write out numbers) using the correct format



11 Vocabulario 1B: El Calendario
Los días, los meses, las estaciones, y el tiempo

12 Yo puedo… I can… Success Criteria Ask and tell birthdays
Say my birthday in Spanish Translate the birthdates of my classmates to English

13 El cumpleaños y la edad ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?
Mi cumpleaños es el ______ de _______. ¿Cuántos años tienes? Tengo ________ años. When is your birthday? My birthday is the _____ of _________. How old are you? (literally, how many years do you have) I am _____ years old. (literally, I have _____ years.) # mes

14 La fecha y las fiestas Object: Learn the date and importance of holidays and events in Spanish-speaking countries Directions: Visit 8 stations to learn about different holidays or events Follow the rotation pattern on the board Wait to move stations until told to do so- no wandering or visiting other stations At each station, select one classmate to read the information on the card You will be asked about these events at the end of the worksheet, so you need to be familiar with what they mean Record the date of the event in Spanish on your worksheet You may use notes on numbers and Vocab 1B- write out the numbers as words! Read the directions carefully, some events have more than one date Make sure you are recording the answer in the correct box on your chart (station #) Answer the last two questions in complete sentences If the question is in English, answer in English. If the question is in Spanish, answer in Spanish Once completed, turn your worksheet into the Inbox tray for your hour This is graded by a rubric (no corrections), so do quality work the first time!

15 Quiz 1.2 Login to the Chromebook and enter Google Classroom via the apps in your If you didn’t log in last week, I sent an invitation to our class through your school Click on the link for Quiz 1.2 and fill in the form No notes/resources, no online translators (you may use a calculator) Last name, first name!!!! Let me know if you can’t see a picture of a calendar on the quiz Submit your quiz, logout/turn off your Chromebook and return it to the cart Please plug in your Chromebook NO talking until everyone has finished You will need to get out Vocab 1B, back side Use the glossary (Spanish-English) to define the four terms under “las estaciones” Hint: to find “la primavera,” look under letter P

16 Las estaciones The seasons

17 Yo puedo… I can… Success Criteria Identify the four seasons
Ask and tell about favorite seasons Success Criteria Be able to group months within the appropriate season Ask and answer questions about favorite seasons

18 Las estaciones el invierno la primavera el verano el otoño The winter
The summer The spring The fall (autumn)

19 Las estaciones ¿Cuál es tu estación favorita?
Mi estación favorita es… What is your favorite season? My favorite season is…

20 Los dibujos  Rules of the Contest Winners
Your name should be on the back of your picture Your illustration must capture the theme and be school appropriate and colored Make sure that the written assignment is completed! Take care of our art supplies! The art work must be on this piece of paper Your illustration is due on Tuesday, Sept. 26 This is a 10 point assignment (see rubric), it is NOT optional Winners Four finalists will be drawn by a panel (a.k.a. my family) We will vote for the winner in class by secret ballot Winner will receive a Prize 

21 El tiempo The weather

22 Yo puedo… I can… Success Criteria Describe the weather in Spanish
Ask and answer questions about the current weather Listen to a type of weather and translate it to English Identify the weather in cities of Spain based on a weather map

23 What is the weather like?
¿Qué tiempo hace? What is the weather like?

24 Hace buen tiempo The weather is good.

25 Hace mal tiempo The weather is bad

26 Hace (mucho) calor It is (very) hot.

27 Hace (mucho) frío It is (very) cold.

28 Hace fresco It is chilly.

29 Llueve (Está lloviendo)
It is raining.

30 Nieva (Está nevando) It is snowing.

31 Está (muy) nublado It is (very) cloudy.

32 Hace (mucho) sol It is (very) sunny.

33 Hace (mucho) viento It is (very) windy.

34 Repaso ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?
Watch the video once to review weather expressions We will watch the video a second time, pausing after each weather expression to define it


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