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Lost In Space LOST IN SPACE An Adventure In System Analysis presented by Nevre Booker, Lenny Carson, Regenia Harris, Donna Irving and Peggy Ratliff.

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Presentation on theme: "Lost In Space LOST IN SPACE An Adventure In System Analysis presented by Nevre Booker, Lenny Carson, Regenia Harris, Donna Irving and Peggy Ratliff."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lost In Space LOST IN SPACE An Adventure In System Analysis presented by Nevre Booker, Lenny Carson, Regenia Harris, Donna Irving and Peggy Ratliff

2 Task 1: To design/construct a bridge and calculate maximum weight

3 Define all variables. J= joints m= total beams s= spans m b= bottom beams L= Length m t= top beams h= height m v = vertical beams w= width m d = diagonal beams

4 *Number of beams on bottom chord = S/L *Number of beams on top chord =( S/L) – 2 *Number of vertical beams = (S/L) – 1 *Number of diagonal beams = S/L *Total number of beams (m) = 4(S/L) -3 *Joints- 2j = m + 3 or j = 2S/L

5 Calculate the number of beams ( begin with bottom beams). J= 2m b 28= 2m b


7 Construct bridge Used 11.5 cm beams for the legs and the 17 cm beams for the hypotenuse to construct the triangular sides of the bridge.



10 Bridge Design Problem The Problem: The department of transportation is taking bids on a bridge design for a bridge crossing of the James River. They have specified that the bridge has to be a minimum of 140m long and a maximum of 170m long. It also needs to be at least 8m wide. They are concerned about price, so the bid with the lowest cost and best weight load will win.

11 You have checked prices of construction material. It is as follows for beams and joints. 24m = $5000/ea 8m = $2000/ea 17m = $4000/ea 5.5m = $1000/ea 11.5m = $3000/ea joints = $500/ea **you are limited to the items in the kit provided.

12 1.Define all variables using the following. *Number of beams on bottom chord = S/L *Number of beams on top chord =( S/L) – 2 *Number of vertical beams = (S/L) – 1 *Number of diagonal beams = S/L *Total number of beams (m) = 4(S/L) -3 *Joints- 2j = m + 3 or j = 2S/L

13 2.What size beams would it be cheaper to use in the design? 3.How many total beams and joints will you need? 4.What is the total cost of the project? 5.How much weight does your design hold?

14 Marine Terminal Given: A 1000000m 2 area is available for the construction of a new maritime shipping terminal. Calculate the the capacity of storage if: Loading/unloading are is 6% of terminal area Administration area is 50% of Loading/unloading area Repair/Maintenance area is 4.025% of terminal area Truck loading/unloading area is 12% of terminal Chassis storage area is ¼ if truck loading area Gate area is equivalent to 1/6 of the truck loading area Rail terminal area is about one third of truck loading area

15 Defined Variables Total Area= TA Path width = PW Loading/Unloading = LUA Container width = W c Administration = AA Container length= L c Repair/Maintenance= RMA Storage Unit area= SU A Truck Loading= TLA length= L Chassis Storage= CSA width= W Gate Area= GA Rail Terminal Area = RTA Capacity of Storage= CoS Number of Storage Units= N s Total Storage Area= TS Number of Container = N c Number of containers in lengthwise row = X

16 Other variables that would affect the configuration of the shipping terminal are: Geography, transportation access, environmental regulations, container types, and ergonomics


18 Once all the overhead area is subtracted out of the total available area (TA). We can use the non-fixed variables to determine the maximum number of storage containers to be stored in the available storage area (TS). Using this, we were able to derive an equation that could be used to calculate the number of containers (N c )


20 TS = 562,485m 2 Pw = 3.7m 2 Wc = 2.4m 2 Lc = 6.1m 2



23 Maze Design Problem Sneaker Central has a 213,500 sq. ft. warehouse in Norfolk, Va. The warehouse is 350 ft. long and has a height of 50 ft. The facility has an office, dock area for loading and unloading trailers, and a gated area for those special shoes. The office is 1.5% of the total space. 16% tof the total space is dedicated to the dock area. 18% of the total space is the gated area for special shoes is 16t. 1/10 of the space is for safe movement of people and machinery around the warehouse.

24 Define Variables TA=Total area of warehouse B=Business Office LUA=Loading/unloading Area G=Gated area (Special Shoes) PW=Safe movement people/machines SA=Shoe storage area L= lengthN s =NikeA s =Addidas W= widthR s =Reebok H= heightC s =Converse

25 1. How much of the warehouse space could be dedicated to the storage of shoes? 2. If the warehouse has 50% of the storage space dedicated for Nike, 30% dedicated for Reebok, 10% for Converse and 10% for Addidas. Calculated the square footage available for each brand.

26 3. Calculate the number of Nike Jordans boxes that can be stored in the warehouse gated area if the box measures 15 inches long, 12 inches wide and 6 inches high. Boxes can be safely stacked to 35 ft. Design a shoe box based on your shoes. Determine the length, width, and height of the shoebox. How many of your boxes will fit in the gated storage area?


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