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Eschatology The Tribulation Part 2.

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1 Eschatology The Tribulation Part 2

2 What Returning to Daniel 9:24, we find six purpose clauses which describe the plan of God during the Tribulation with reference to Israel. To Conquer Rebellion – to finish the transgression, The rebellion in question has already been confessed by Daniel in chapter 9:5-11.

3 It is not difficult to chart the rebellious nature of the people of God from the wilderness wandering to the present time. The rebellion reached its apex in rejecting Christ, the Messiah. Our Lord put words in the mouth of the Jews in the parable of the pounds. (Luke 19:11-14) At the root of the rebellion was the sin of unbelief. (Heb. 3:7-19) The purpose of God is to confront that unbelief and conqueror it. Zechariah indicates that at a future date God will accomplish just that. (Zec. 12:9,10 ; 13:1)

4 To Convert from Sin – and to make an end of sins,
Like every other human being, the people of Israel are sinners. The Hebrew expression to make an end literally means “to seal up” or “restrain.” Daniel uses the word sin twice in verse 20 of chapter 9. It is the standard word for sin which means to miss the mark. How can sin be made to end in the life of any fallen creature except that it is restrained by the power of the Holy Spirit operating in the heart and mind of the believer? This is certainly the current experience of believers.

5 There is coming a day when the people of Israel will have the same experience as the church now enjoys. (Eze. 36:25-27) To Consummate Reconciliation – and to make reconciliation for iniquity Israel is currently estranged from God. This is the imagery used by Isaiah to describe Israel’s unfaithfulness to her relationship and the consequences thereof. Yet there is coming a time of true and lasting reconciliation. (Isa. 54:1-8)

6 This is the national conversion predicted by Paul. (Rom
This is the national conversion predicted by Paul. (Rom. 11:25-29) This national conversion explains the source of the 144,000 Jewish evangelists in Revelation 7. To Change the Character – and to bring in everlasting righteousness, Daniel had already acknowledged that true righteousness belongs to God exclusively (Daniel 9:7) God will always bring men to accord with the righteous character of God. (Jer. 31:31-34; 23;5,6)

7 The righteousness which God will bring to Israel will be as eternal as God Himself. Throughout the Old Testament there were periods of revival in which the people of God repented and sought God’s forgiveness and blessing. Unfortunately those periods of revival were too few and too far in between. The program of God calls for a permanent change!

8 To Complete Prophecy – and to seal up the vision and prophecy,
Prophecy is always a certainty. It is in fact history prewritten. Every prophecy in Scripture either has been or will be completed to the last detail. (2 Pet. 1:19-21) In a world of gross insecurity, it is comforting to know that Bible believers can read the last chapter with confidence. Though the end times prophecy are dark and foreboding, the silver lining of the cloud points to a consummation that will make everything right.

9 To Consecrate the Temple – and to anoint the most Holy.
The anointing is not in reference to the Temple constructed during the early part of the Tribulation. The expression, the most Holy, is the same used in Ezekiel 45:3 to describe the millennial temple. Ezekiel describes the Millennial Temple with considerable detail.


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