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Scan Team Orientation November 30, 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Scan Team Orientation November 30, 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scan Team Orientation November 30, 2018

2 Our mutual success… You’ve cleared the way...

3 Framework for a performance-driven strategic plan VISION VALUES
Strategic Direction Framework for a performance-driven strategic plan VISION VALUES STUDENT EXPERIENCE MISSION

4 A sneak peek Learn locally. Inspire globally.
Transform communities through education Transforming communities, innovating and inspiring locally, and impacting globally.

5 Strategic Directions: Scan to Plan
SWOT Survey Future Summit Scan Teams Reports Unique research Kickoff & Envisioning 2040 Focus Groups Topics Future Summit Focus Groups Higher Education Trends Higher Education Trends Strategic Directions: Scan to Plan Defining the Student Experience Workshop Values Student Experience Document

6 Strategic Directions Objectives Action Plans Values Vision Mission
Tactics Vision Mission

7 This is not just about the plan.
It’s about being able to execute the plan.

8 Scan Teams: Digging Deeper

9 Objective of the Research
Familiarization with effective practices in topic areas Ability to shape strategic directions in next step with an informed foundation

10 Approach Teams staffed by members of the Planning Committee & other volunteers Team members self select into topic areas Each team assigned an area of focus Team report outs to the full Committee and Cabinet

11 Presentation objectives
Team members develop a deeper understanding of the topic, which will inform future strategic planning work, including strategy development Provide an overview as to opportunities and factors that may impact the community and the college

12 Topics Strengthening school and business partnerships to improve college readiness and employability Flexible learning opportunities (scheduling, methods, etc.) Closing the technology gap for students (1:1 device program) Adaptive, engaging learning methods and technologies Lifelong learning models Credit for Prior Learning, Competency-Based Education, Stackable Certificates, etc. Innovative workforce development programs

13 In your teams Define the scope of your work
Research the best practices, contemporary models Consider this information in light of the information we have collected to date Prepare a 10 minute presentation to be followed by 5 minutes of questions

14 Presentation outline Identify the 3-6 findings from your research that your team believes will most impact the development of a strategic plan for HCC Of the material you reviewed, what are the most significant implications your team believes should be considered during the strategic planning process? What 3-5 strategic recommendations does your team have as a result of your research?

15 Next steps Dec. 21: Scan Team check in
Reach out any time to Liz or Kevin Jan. 11: Scan Team presentation to SPC and Cabinet Sharing of Impact Statements with the Board of Trustees (method TBD)

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