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Cryfhau Sgiliau er mwyn Llwyddo Strengthening Skills for Success

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1 Cryfhau Sgiliau er mwyn Llwyddo Strengthening Skills for Success
Gweithdy 1 Workshop 1 Rhoi ymateb effeithiol i wella perfformiad dysgwyr Giving effective feedback to improve learners’ performance Fiona Argent, Cardiff Metropolitan University Cryfhau Sgiliau er mwyn Llwyddo Strengthening Skills for Success

2 Giving effective feedback to improve learners’ performance Fiona Argent

3 What is feedback? “information that helps students trouble-shoot their own performance and take action to close the gap between intent and effect”.

4 What is the purpose of feedback in learning?
To reduce discrepancies between current understandings/ performance and the desired goal

5 The National Standard How well oral feedback and marking enable learners to know how well they are doing and what they need to do to improve The appropriateness of formative and summative assessment and its use in planning and improving learning How well learners are involved in assessing their own progress and achievements and how well they understand how to improve Estyn – Common Inspection Framework Key question assessment of and for learning 2014 – 2015 A minority of tutors and assessors do not challenge or support learners well enough to achieve higher-level practical competence and improve learners’ literacy and numeracy skills. A minority do not mark learners’ written work in accordance with the providers’ marking strategy or give learners constructive written feedback that helps them to improve their future performance.

6 Improvement Progression Understanding
Effective Feedback – 3 question strategy Improvement Progression Understanding 1.Feed up The learning intention 2.Feed back Reflection-assessment 3.Feed forward New learning goals How am I going? Where am I going? Where next? John Hattie

7 Effective Feedback Practice:
Help clarify what good performance is Encourage time and effort on tasks Deliver high quality feedback Provide opportunities to act on feedback Ensure that summative assessment has a positive impact on learning Develop self assessment and reflection Provide assessment choice Encourage self esteem and motivation to learn ACTIVITY

8 @cwbl_cardiffmet

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