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Service Committee Leadership

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1 Service Committee Leadership
Also called Advisory Committee Navigation Team Steering Committee ???

2 Purpose of Service Committee
Accompany and lead with the Mission Developer in developing the new ministry. Serve in an advisory role to the Mission Developer and Director for Evangelical Mission. Embody and model the values of accompaniment, encouragement, presence, and purpose of the new ministry through organization as a congregation of the ELCA.

3 Service Committee Importance
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Peter Drucker

4 Committee Member Expectations
Show up! Regular worship/meeting attendance Commitment to devotional life Model hospitality, encouragement, commitment, curiosity, collaboration, accompaniment, presence, purpose, transparency With the Mission Developer identify, invite, and equip others to be ministry leaders Play fair

5 Committee Member Expectations
Model Hospitality Example: New people to your worship setting will decide whether or not they will return within minutes of parking their car.

6 Committee Member Expectations
Interpreting Purpose Example: Keep re-visiting why you believe this ministry is important to you, your household, the community, and the world.

7 Committee Member Expectations
Model Transparency Example: Provide regular communication to all who are interested in the ministry regarding ministry development, opportunities for involvement, and use of finances.

8 Committee Member Expectations
Model Collaboration Example: Early and often reference the many who join with you in this ministry development.

9 Committee Composition
Start small: 3-5 people Start with those most interested in taking an active role in ministry development Model age, gender, church experience, introvert/extrovert, gift diversity No more than one person per household

10 Committee Member Origin
From those who have been a part of creating the New Ministry Application From those who are part of the initial core group From those who become acquainted and interested in the new ministry

11 Committee Meeting Focus
Update on the “Three Great Listenings” How these “listenings” informing/shaping our ministry development? What are we hearing from God in Bible study, sermons, and prayer? What are hearing from our ministry context? What are we hearing from those who are visiting or desiring to be part of this ministry?

12 Committee Initial Agenda
Become familiar with New Ministry Application Purpose/Potential/Plan/Partners/Prayer Meet Director of Evangelical Mission Become familiar with CSM/Synod expectations of the Mission Developer and new ministry Meet with Mission Partners Discuss nature of advisory role Discuss essential role of invitation and equipping others to share the ministry

13 Committee Initial Agenda
Discuss length of service as committee member Decide on meeting schedule Review initial leadership roles Web site development/communication Worship volunteers Networking in the community Treasurer

14 Service Committee Celebration!
“God’s work….Our Hands”

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