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Figure 1 The trajectory of cognitive ageing

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1 Figure 1 The trajectory of cognitive ageing
Figure 1 | The trajectory of cognitive ageing. Graphic display depicting the hypothetical trajectories of 'normal' cognitive ageing (red) that reflects presumed 'normal' age-related increases in cerebral pathologies (dotted line), the effects of reducing the contribution of these factors to cognitive ageing (purple), the effects of increasing resilience (orange), providing optimal supportive care (blue), and optimizing ability (green).The dotted line indicates the increased risk of brain injury and the dashed line indicates the reduction in risk of brain injury that can potentially be achieved, as suggested by Gorelick et al.2. DeCarli, C. (2017) ‘Brain health’: what is it, what can we do about it and when should we start? Nat. Rev. Neurol. doi: /nrneurol

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