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I Never Saw Another Butterfly

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1 I Never Saw Another Butterfly

2 Part One – Quiz Grade Read the poem you have been given.
On the bottom of the page, answer the following questions in complete sentences: Who do you think wrote this poem? Gender? Age? What makes you think this? Be specific (context clues). What experiences do you think generated this poem? What is the poem referring to? How does the poem make you feel? Why? Circle the words in the poem that create strong imagery for you.

3 Part Two – Daily Grade Next, you will create a butterfly using the materials I have provided, plus anything that you brought from home. Side 1: Decorate based on the poem you have, it’s imagery, any connections you make to it. DO NOT PUT YOUR NAME ON THIS SIDE PLEASE!! Side 2: Write the poem on this side – NEATLY IN INK. Include the author’s name. Your name goes on this side – discreetly. We will work on these tomorrow as well! Be thoughtful, neat, and take your time. YOU MUST CLEAN UP YOUR AREA AND THE CRAFT TABLE. ORGANIZE THE SCRAPS SO THAT OTHER CLASSES CAN PARTICIPATE TODAY, TOO.







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