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Welcome to EYFS (Reception – FS2) Birch and Elm Class

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to EYFS (Reception – FS2) Birch and Elm Class"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to EYFS (Reception – FS2) Birch and Elm Class
Taking Pride and Aiming High

2 Aims To enable parents to meet the Reception Team staff
To help your child make a smooth transition to school To inform you about routines and expectations in Reception To give suggestions for how you could support your child in their learning Taking Pride and Aiming High

3 Staff Birch Class
Mrs Richardson - Class Teacher Mrs Quarterman – teaching assistant Elm Class Miss Cripps - Class Teacher Mrs Molloy – teaching assistant Additional adult - Mrs Aripin Taking Pride and Aiming High

4 The Pines Code

5 School Values

6 Timetable

7 Read Write Inc. New sound every day ‘Special friends’
Mnemonic to match sound Fred Talk Fred in your head Letter formation Fred fingers Hold a sentence

8 Curriculum Map Taking Pride and Aiming High

9 Talk for Writing Immitation
Internalising a story – knowing it off by heart Familiar with the story language and vocabulary Innovation Taking familiar story and making small changes to create their own story closely hugging the original text Invention Using familiar story patterns and story language, children invent their own stories

10 End of Year Expectations
The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum outlines what all children are expected to achieve by the end of their Reception year. These are referred to as The Early Learning Goals. If your child achieves the Early Learning Goals in all areas of learning they will have secured a Good Level of Development. Taking Pride and Aiming High

11 Supporting Your Child at home
Along with our topic overview for each half term (what we are doing in school) we have included another sheet which offers ideas for activities you could do at home Sharing stories and other books – developing and encouraging a love of reading Working with your child on home learning tasks RWI books/materials Taking Pride and Aiming High

12 Communication Messages are sent via texts, emails or website
Letters - please checks book bags Twitter Seesaw Speak to teacher – please book an appointment after school for discussions teachers directly or via the school office Taking Pride and Aiming High

13 This is an app which is an online learning journal for your child.
Teachers will be posting photos, videos and work your child has created. Family members can like and comment on items, allowing you to engage with your child’s learning. It will give you a portal into your child’s life at school. This is another excellent way we are communicating with families about the learning and progress your child is making, so we ask that everyone signs up to this.


15 Online safety Taking Pride and Aiming High
New technologies have become integral to the lives of children and young people in today’s society, both within schools and in their lives outside school and we want to keep our children safe. We will do this by: Ensuring it is woven into our curriculum and we will have an extra focus on E-Safety at the time of national E-Safety week in February. Requiring all staff, parents and children to sign an ‘Acceptable Use Policy’. This is to ensure: • That young people will be responsible users and stay safe while using the internet and other communications technologies for educational, personal and recreational use. • That school ICT systems and users are protected from accidental or deliberate misuse that could put the security of the systems and users at risk. • That parents and carers are aware of the importance of e-safety and are involved in the education and guidance of young people with regard to their on-line behaviour. We will be holding an e-safety information session this year. - If you have any questions on how to keep your child safe see your class teacher. Taking Pride and Aiming High

16 Equipment in School (Children do not need to bring own stationery)
Welly boots – kept in the shed in the garden Waterproof coat School book bag (no drinks, hats/gloves in bags – children cannot access them easily throughout the day) NAMED water bottle (containing only water) Taking Pride and Aiming High

17 Attendance The key to academic success is EXCELLENT ATTENDANCE.
In order for your child to be successful at school we expect them to be here EVERY DAY unless they are ill. As a school we have HIGH EXPECTATIONS of your child. To maximise learning, attendance should be more than 96%. HOLIDAYS are not to be taken during term time. A RECORD of any holidays taken will be kept in your child’s file. Any doctor, hospital APPOINTMENTS should be made for after school. Taking Pride and Aiming High

18 Punctuality Punctuality is vital. Pupils are expected to arrive in school by 8.45 so lessons can start promptly and the site can be secured. We ask that all parents step back and allow their child to line up, so that they are ready to walk into class independently. If children arrive late and the gates are shut, they need to enter through the office. Pupils are marked as late if they arrive after 9:00am when the register closes. Taking Pride and Aiming High

19 School Lunches Free school meals for each child. These can be booked online from home (for the week ahead) or in class each morning. Packed lunches – encourage healthy eating choices NO NUTS * Playtime snacks do not need to be sent in as a healthy snack is provided by the school

20 After School Clubs Clubs are run after school or at lunchtime.
Clubs forms will be sent home soon. Waiting lists may be needed for some clubs. Please ensure that you are at school to collect promptly (for after school clubs) Taking Pride and Aiming High

21 PE Kit - Thursdays Kit consists of - jade t-shirt with school logo + blue/black shorts or jogging bottoms. All kit named. Mr Howorth will be leading our PE sessions Children should come into school wearing their PE kits and bring their uniform in a bag, to change into after PE PE is generally inside until the warmer months Only simple stud earrings are allowed to be worn at school. On PE days these can be left out or covered before arriving at school. Taking Pride and Aiming High

22 Trips We have planned some trips for the year (definite dates TBC)
Autumn term: Walk to South Hill (including a visit to Birch Hill Library) Spring term: Bucklebury Farm Summer term: Thatcham Discover Centre *We may ask parents if they are able to help with some trips.

23 Productions Harvest assembly - 9:15 on Tuesday 2nd October (Elm parents) & Wednesday 3rd October (Birch parents) Christmas Production - 9:15 on Wednesday 5th December (Birch parents) & Thursday 6th December (Elm parents) Please remember to help your child if they have words to learn or a part to practise. Where possible, please stick to the specified dates for each performance, as this ensures that there will be enough space for everyone.

24 Thank you for coming! Taking Pride and Aiming High

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