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DEVOTION (Acts 2:42-47) How can we be a church fit for purpose in the 21 st century? Learn the lessons from the Holy Spirit inspired church in Acts 2.

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Presentation on theme: "DEVOTION (Acts 2:42-47) How can we be a church fit for purpose in the 21 st century? Learn the lessons from the Holy Spirit inspired church in Acts 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEVOTION (Acts 2:42-47) How can we be a church fit for purpose in the 21 st century? Learn the lessons from the Holy Spirit inspired church in Acts 2. Spirit Filled Devotion (solidly & fervently stuck firm, with a single focus no matter what happens) to: 1.The apostles teaching 2.The fellowship 3.The breaking of bread (worship) 4.Prayer

2 Keep these four factors alive in any church group and you have the makings of a healthy church. (Barnhouse) Last week: Apostles Teaching Are we craving it, hearing it, doing it and trusting it? Worship is the focus of our devotion set in the right place?

3 Devoted to the Fellowship What is fellowship? ii. everything in common Gk = Koinonia - root meaning common. i. Faith in common This was an angelic commonwealth, not to call anything of their own. Forthwith the root of all evils was cut out…None reproached, none envied, none grudged, no pride, no contempt was there…the poor man knew no shame, the rich no haughtiness. (Chrysostom) Sharing Lives

4 Although I hope to come to you soon, I am writing you these instructions so that, if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God's household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth. (1 Tim 3:14-15) The Family What does fellowship look like?

5 Families eat together, play together, cry together and laugh together. Families provide for one another. They share something of the task of bringing up children and they look after their older members. Families do argue and fight, but they do not stop being families as a result- they have to find ways of working things out. And you cannot opt for another family just because it shares your taste in music or reading or whatever. Families do not buy special buildings to meet together. They might hire a hall for special occasion, but most of the time you just have each other round. When you are with your family you can take off your shoes and slump on a sofa. They provide identity and a place of belonging. Families define for us what is home.

6 Churches eat together, play together, cry together and laugh together. Churches provide for one another. They share something of the task of bringing up children and they look after their older members. Churches do argue and fight, but they do not stop being churches as a result- they have to find ways of working things out. And you cannot opt for another church just because it shares your taste in music or reading or whatever. Churches do not buy special buildings to meet together. They might hire a hall for special occasion, but most of the time you just have each other round. When you are with your church you can take off your shoes and slump on a sofa. They provide identity and a place of belonging. Churches define for us what is home.

7 This is somewhere: we can be vulnerable wed love beingwere accepted we dont mind if these people drop in we can be real we can be sure of constant love we can find forgiveness quickly we can always find a shoulder to cry on

8 Where we … one another… love one another (1 Jn 4:11) accept one another (Rom 15:7) serve others (1 Pe 4:10) submit to one another (Eph 5:21) encourage one another (Heb 10:25) teach & admonish one another (Col 3:16) instruct one another (Rom 15:14)

9 Where we … one another… be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other (Eph 4:32) confess your sins to each other and pray for each other (Ja 5:16) carry each others burdens (Gal 6:2) bear with each another & forgive (Col 3:13) offer hospitality to one another (1 Pe 4:9) equal concern for each another (1 Cor 12:25)

10 What must we do? 1. Realise the importance of the church family 2. Devote ourselves to people and not programmes. 3. Keep church simple 4. Function around the family and the home 5. Set aside one night each week to have some of the family around 7. Keep the spiritual in 6.Do social events together

11 Fit for purpose that sends a message to the world that were being saved (Phil 1:28) Somewhere… wed find it easy to bring our non-Christian friends people can feel loved and a part of the community even before they enter that is highly attractive to a broken society where love flourishes & shows were his disciples

12 Devoted to Prayer The heartbeat and power house of the church Breathing the breath of heaven in regular prayer Are we devoted (solidly and fervently stuck firm, with a single focus no matter what happens) to prayer?

13 What would it look like if we were devoted to prayer? Talking to God throughout the day Prayer meetings will be full of expectation Waiting on Holy Spirit Focussed upon Jesus & more conscious of his presence Pray with a greater faith Pray for one another

14 A Church fit for purpose of making Jesus known. Devoted to: The Apostles Teaching The Fellowship The Breaking of Bread Prayer

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