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FCC rules and design Date: Authors: October 2010

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1 FCC rules and 802.19.1 design Date: 2010-10 Authors: October 2010
doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 October 2010 FCC rules and design Date: Authors: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Chen Sun, NICT Chen Sun, NICT

2 Oct. 2010 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 Oct. 2010 Abstract The purpose of this presentation is to indicate some of the effects of FCC rules to design. We hope, resulting discussion will create a common understanding inside the group about how should be designed. Chen Sun, NICT Chen Sun, NICT

3 Current 802.19.1 System Architechture
Oct. 2010 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 Oct. 2010 Current System Architechture Chen Sun, NICT Chen Sun, NICT

4 Entities belonging to 802.19.1 System
Oct. 2010 Entities belonging to System Coexistence Manager Coexistence decision making This includes generating and providing corresponding coexistence requests/commands and control information to Coexistence Enabler(s) Discovery of and communication with other Coexistence Managers Assist network operators in management related to TVWS coexistence Coexistence Enabler Communication between Coexistence Manager and TVBD network or device Obtaining information, required for coexistence, from TVBD network or device Translating reconfiguration requests/commands and control information received from the Coexistence Manager into TVBD-specific reconfiguration requests/ commands Coexistence Discovery and Information Server Providing coexistence related information to Coexistence Managers Supporting discovery of Coexistence Managers and opening interfaces between Coexistence Managers Collecting, aggregating information related to TVWS coexistence. Coexistence Discovery and Information Server may connect to TVWS database to obtain primary users information. Chen Sun, NICT

5 Deployment of Entities
Oct. 2010 Deployment of Entities Coexistence Enabler (CE) CEs can be deployed inside TV Band Devices or Network. Coexistence Manager (CM) CMs can be deployed inside the TV Band Device or Network. Also CMs can be deployed outside TV Band Networks. Coexistence Discovery and Information Server (CDIS) CDISs can be deployed outside TV Band Networks. Chen Sun, NICT

6 Effects of FCC Rules to CMs and CDISs
Oct. 2010 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 Oct. 2010 Effects of FCC Rules to CMs and CDISs 15.713(e5) A fixed or Mode II TVBD that provides a list of available channels to a Mode I device shall notify the database of the FCC identifier of such Mode I device and receive verification that that FCC identifier is valid before providing the list of available channels to the Mode I device. Option 1) As long as CMs and CDISs are not Mode 1 TVBDs, they can get available channel list from certified TVBDs. Option 2) CMs and CDISs require to have a type of FCC certification, in order to obtain available channel information. Chen Sun, NICT Chen Sun, NICT

7 Effects of FCC Rules to CDIS
Oct. 2010 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 Oct. 2010 Effects of FCC Rules to CDIS CDIS can be deployed by an official FCC database provider. Can manufacturers provide their own CDIS systems which will obtain available channel list from FCC database and provide this information to CMs? Chen Sun, NICT Chen Sun, NICT

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