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Welcome! January 25th, 2017 Wednesday

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2 Welcome! January 25th, 2017 Wednesday
Do Now Get your folder from the front crate and find your seat Begin working on your Daily Edit paragraph. Once the bell rings, you will have five minutes to find all 10 mistakes in today’s paragraph. Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you 

3 Wednesday January 25, 2017 On January 3, 1903, president Theodore Roosevelt named Wind Cave in South Dakota the nations seventh national park. Tails of American Indians described caves that "blew wind," but the first recorded discovery of such a cave was in Two brother's were drawn to the cave by a whistling noise when they reached the cave, the wind blowed the hat off one of the boy. Upon there return, the changing wind sucked yet an other hat into the cave!

4 ACT Practice: Verb Tense Agreement
Trade your homework with a partner Grab a marker, colored pencil, highlighter, ect. from your tower (something colored) Write your name at the bottom of your partner’s paper

5 ACT Practice: Sentence Pragments
1. Although I am apprehensive about the test. I am going for it. car. While the NO CHANGE car, during which the about the test; I am about the test, I am car, as the about the test, but I am 4. Although it will always be associated with Shakespeare’s famous literary character. The castle at Ellsinore was never home to Hamlet. 2. We wanted to do some cool work. After the test. F. NO CHANGE F. NO CHANGE G. cool work after H. cool work; after G. character, the cool, work after H. character; the 3. The bride and groom drove away in their car. As the children ran behind, shouting and laughing. J. character. A

6 ACT Practice: Sentence Fragments
5. Before she could say much. Juan said that he had already got her parents’ permission. 7. They like to visit the Art Museum. Which has some great paintings. NO CHANGE much. Juan, Museum; which much, Juan Museum, which, much; Juan Museum, which 6. Because it was a gorgeous day. They didn’t want to fight. F. NO CHANGE G. day, they H. day. Therefore, they J. day, but they

7 ACT Practice: Comma Splices
8. Lobsters are cannibalistic and will feed on each other this is one reason they are difficult to raise in captivity. 10. The college’s plans for expansion included a new science building and a new dormitory if the funding drive was successful there would be enough money for both. F. NO CHANGE G. dormitory, if G. other, this H. dormitory; if, H. other; and this J. dormitory. If J. other. This 11. There is not much difference between the decision to enter politics and the decision to jump into a pit full of rattlesnakes in fact you might find a friendlier environment in the snake pit. 9. He had the heart of a lamb, he had the hide of a wolf. NO CHANGE lamb, but he lamb. Although he rattlesnakes. In fact, lamb. While he rattlesnakes, in fact, rattlesnakes, in fact

8 ACT Practice: Comma Splices
12. I never really enjoyed science math is my favorite class. burrows, no one, in fact burrows, the fact of the matter is in fact no one F. NO CHANGE 14. When I got there, I had to wait forever to see him when he finally examined my teeth, he G. science, math H. science, math, found four cavities. J. science; math 13. Three other kinds of beavers lived around Agate in the early Miocene epoch, but their bones have never been found in the burrows, in fact, no one knows what they did for homes. G. him. When H. him and when J. him, when NO CHANGE burrows. In fact, no one

9 Journal Heading Now, it’s time to read!  Get out a new sheet of paper and write the heading below: Name 1/25/17 CP10: World Lit Types of Questions & The Battle with Grendel’s Mother

10 Types of Questions As you’ve probably noticed, there are different levels of questions we discuss in this class. Some are low-level, while some are far more difficult. As we’re approaching the Beowulf test (next week!), know that there will be four types of questions you will have to answer. Main Idea Questions Inferred Main Idea Questions Thematic Questions Disguised Meaning Questions Hint: take notes! 

11 Main Idea Questions You can find the answer directly in the text.
1. Who wins the battle with Grendel? 2. What weapon does Beowulf use to  defeat  Grendel's mother? 3. Who is king of the Danes?

12 Inferred Main Idea Questions
The question focuses on what happens in the text on a literal level (like main idea questions) but requires you to read between the lines. It’s not stated directly). 1. How did Beowulf plan to defeat Grendel? 2. Why do the Danes decide to trust Beowulf? 3. Why does Grendel's mother attack Beowulf?

13 Theme/Thematic Questions
The question focuses on the text as a whole at the thematic level. Requires the reader to think about what the author intended. 1. How is Beowulf proven a hero? 2. Why is fame so important to Beowulf? 3. Why do weapons keep failing Beowulf?

14 Disguised Meaning Questions
The question focuses on a specific aspect of the text at the thematic level. Requires the reader to think about what the author intended, and usually leads to deeper themes that are found throughout the text. Usually deals with symbolic meanings. 1. What is significant about taking Grendel's arm? 2. Why does Beowulf only defeat monsters  (never hum ans)? 3. Why behead Grendel's corpse?

15 Thematic Questions Practice!
Choose one of the prompts below and respond using at least two reasons. Support each reason with details from the text. Prompt #1: In what ways is Beowulf proven worthy of  his title as h ero? Why does this matter o a modern audience? Prompt #2: How do we know that Beowulf is human?  How does his  humanity add relevance to the  story?

16 The Battle with Grendel
For the battle with Grendel’s mother, we’re going to do something a little different. Instead of me writing questions for you, you’re going to write and respond to four questions that you create yourself: one main idea, one inferred main idea, one thematic, and one disguised meaning question. Make sure your questions are clearly labeled, contain proper grammar, and that you use textual evidence to support all answers. Good luck! 

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