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Tyler Nicole and Seth Hallett Ivy Tech Community College Dr. Coleman

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1 Tyler Nicole and Seth Hallett Ivy Tech Community College Dr. Coleman
No Child Left Behind Tyler Nicole and Seth Hallett Ivy Tech Community College Dr. Coleman

2 INTASC Standards, Description, and Rationale
Standard #6: Assessment -The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s decision making. Description: -For this assignment we created the power point “No Child Left Behind.” This PowerPoint explains both sides to the argument on a true controversy in the United States. It also describes the background information on the act. Then finally we began a class discussion on what changes people believe should be made to the act. Rationale: -To document our understanding of Standard #6, Assessment, we selected to include our “No Child Left Behind” PowerPoint. This assignment shows how students are being tested to evaluate their performance. It also shows what the teachers are doing in the classroom with the standardized tests and other subjects.

3 Background Information
It was put into place in 2001 by George Busch. Signed in 2002 It was a revision of the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) The act emphasizes funding for less wealthy schools. Focuses on math and reading testing scores for grades 3-8. Emphasizes higher achievement for poor schools and minority students

4 PROs Achievement levels are up for students
Failing schools have improved In % of African-American 4th graders were proficient in math, and in the number rose to 17% In % of Hispanic 4th grader were proficient in math, and in 2011 the number rose to 24%

5 Pros Cont. Student achievement is going up, and the gaps in test scores between subgroups are closing It works to improve the quality of public education Holds students to a higher amount of accountability They are working on new ways to improve the law such as: teacher evaluations, and reorganization of low performing schools

6 Cons It makes teachers focus of testing
It has failed to improve the schools funding More than half of the states are exempt from the requirement that all students should be proficient in reading and math It was supposed to be rewritten 4 years ago

7 Cons Cont. Less instruction on science and social studies
More schools--many of them good or at least improving--are being labeled failures and are facing severe sanctions as the deadline approaches Created a frenzy of standardized tests Anything not in the standardized tests are swept to the side

8 Questions? 1. Do you think it truly shows the performance of the students? 2. What changes do you think need to be made to the No Child Left Behind Act?

9 References Koch, J. (2012). Teach. (Student ed.). Belmont, California: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning Paulson, Amanda. "Achievement Gaps Narrowing in US Schools Since No Child Left Behind." Christian Science Monitor. 01 Oct 2009: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 11 Apr 2013. Gerson, Michael. "'No Child' Is Being Left Behind." Washington Post July 2012: A.19. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 11 Apr 2013. Downey, Maureen. "A Decade of No Child Left Behind: A Hit or a Miss?." Atlanta Journal-Constitution. 09 Jan 2012: A.10. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 11 Apr 2013.

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