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A Gathering Storm Why did America choose to remain neutral for so long?

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1 A Gathering Storm Why did America choose to remain neutral for so long?

2 Fierce rivalries had developed among European nations
Fierce rivalries had developed among European nations. Countries competed for military power and ownership of European lands. Tensions grew because many lands were under the control of other nations. New land meant new trading opportunities, greater wealth, and more power. Citizens also had a strong feeling for their countries, which is called Nationalism.

3 Fearing attack from their rivals, several European nations formed alliances. This meant that if one ally was attacked the other countries would come to their aid. The two major powers were the Allied Powers and the Central Powers.

4 The Allied Powers included Great Britain, France, Russia, Serbia, and Belgium. The Central Powers included Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey


6 In 1914, Austria-Hungary was in control of land that another country, Serbia, believed it owned. A Serbian nationalist assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne.

7 Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia
Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Russia worried that the fighting would threaten the trade route to the Black Sea, so Russia declared war on Austria-Hungary. Germany allied with Austria-Hungary demanded that Russia dismiss its army. Russia did not listen, so Germany declared war on Russia.

8 Germany was afraid that it would have to fight in two different places with Russia to the west and Russia’s ally France to the east. Germany asked France what they planned to do. France did not answer, so Germany declared war on France.

9 To reach France, German forces had to march through Belgium
To reach France, German forces had to march through Belgium. Germany asked the Belgian king for permission to cross his country. The king refused, so the German army invaded Belgium. Great Britain, an ally of Belgium declared war on Germany. Soon every major European country was involved in the war.

10 At first, the United States stayed out of World War I
At first, the United States stayed out of World War I. There was a policy of isolationism. This meant that the United States preferred to remain neutral and let other countries handle their own affairs.

11 Also, many European immigrants living in the United States did not want the country to take sides. They feared that they might have to fight the countries from which they had come from.

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