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Illustrative Math.

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1 Illustrative Math

2 Shirt Sale Selina bought a shirt on sale that was 20% less than the original price. The original price was $5 more than the sale price. What was the original price?

3 Kendall’s Vase Kendall bought a vase that was priced at $450. In addition, she had to pay 3% sales tax. How much did she pay for the vase?

4 The ice cream’s melting
If 30% of the students in Mrs. Rutherford’s class like chocolate ice cream, then how many students are in Mrs. Rutherford’s class if 6 like ice cream?

5 Chess match There were 24 boys and 20 girls in the chess club last year. This year the number of boys decreased by 10% and the number of girls increased by 25%. Was there an increase or decrease in overall membership?

6 Credit Cost A credit card company charges 17% interest fee on any charges not paid at the end of the month. If the bill totals $450 for this month, how much interest would you have to pay on the balance?

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