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Acquiesce - Vernacular

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1 Acquiesce - Vernacular
Grade 11 Vocab Unit 5 Acquiesce - Vernacular 20 WORDS

2 Word: Acquiesce Definition: to accept passively Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: Helen acquiesced knowledge by doing what was asked of her in class instead of going out and pursuing topics that interested her.

3 Word: Aloof Definition: uninvolved, keeping one’s distance Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: Jamie’s aloof attitude made people think that she did not want to get to know them and that she was standoffish.

4 Word: Avow Definition: to declare boldly Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: Keith avowed his love for Kelly and then asked her to prom.

5 Word: Caricature Definition: a purposely exaggerated portrait to prove a point Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: The street artist draws caricatures of people to both make money and entertain subjects.

6 Word: Confluence Definition: convergence, meeting Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: The confluence of the river occurred where the two separate streams merged. The confluence of negative characteristics made people strongly dislike Frank.

7 Word: Dearth Definition: very little, lack Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: The dearth of money prevented the school from getting new computers.

8 Word: Dissipate Definition: to thin out, to lessen Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: The pain took awhile to dissipate after I hit my funny bone on the door.

9 Word: Epitome Definition: a perfect example Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: Sally is the epitome of a good student because she always pays attention and does her homework.

10 Word: FELICITY Definition: happiness Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: Craig had a look of felicity on his face when he found out he got into college.

11 Word: Hindrance Definition: obstacle Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: The detour on the main road created a hindrance between the East and West sides of town .

12 Word: Insinuate Definition: to hint Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: The teacher insinuated that the question would be on the test without saying it outright.

13 Word: Mar Definition: to disfigure, to spoil Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: Sally spilled orange juice and marred all of the family photos.

14 Word: Obdurate Definition: stubborn and insensitive Part of Speech: adjective Example Sentence: Jack’s obdurate opinions sometimes work against him because he cannot see from anyone else’s point of view.

15 Word: Pernicious Definition: deadly, evil Part of Speech: adj Example Sentence: The potato crop was taken out by a pernicious plant disease that turned them all black within 72 hours.

16 Word: Proliferate Definition: to spread or grow rapidly Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: Disease can proliferate quickly, which is why some people with particular illnesses are put into quarantine. The strength of the storm proliferate quickly. It went from a tropical storm to a category 1 hurricane in a matter of hours.

17 Word: Relinquish Definition: to release/let go of/stop doing Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: The ruler would not relinquish control of the country even though he was voted out of office.

18 Word: Secular Definition: having nothing to do with religion Part of Speech: adj Example Sentence: A secular government is one that does not align with a particular religion.

19 Word: Succumb Definition: to surrender Part of Speech: verb Example Sentence: After hours of incessant begging, the babysitter had succumb to Sally’s pleas to watch a movie.

20 Word: Theology Definition: study of religion Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: Many colleges require students to take one Theology course to study world religions.

21 Word: Vernacular Definition: everyday speech, slang Part of Speech: noun Example Sentence: While academic essays require the use of formal English, we use vernacular while speaking to each other in class.

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