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The Transfer of Heat Ms. De Los Rios 7th Grade

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1 The Transfer of Heat Ms. De Los Rios 7th Grade
Energy and Heat The Transfer of Heat Ms. De Los Rios 7th Grade

2 Vocabulary 10.3 Conduction- The transfer of thermal energy from one particle of matter to another (direct contact) Convection- The transfer of thermal energy by the movement of fluid. (liquid, gas) Convection Current- The movement of fluid, caused by differences in temperature, that transfer heat from one part of the fluid to another. Radiation- The transfer of energy through space by electromagnetic waves.

3 How is Heat Transferred? Pg. 360,361
Heat is being transferred ALL the time and it travels only in one direction Heat is transferred from warmer areas to cooler areas. Heat is transferred in three different methods: Convection (The transfer of thermal energy by the movement of fluid. (liquid, gas) Conduction (The transfer of thermal energy from one particle of matter to another (direct contact) Radiation (The transfer of energy through space by electromagnetic waves.) Whenever the temperature of an object or substance changes, heat is being transferred.

4 Describe the different types of heat transfer.
The Transfer of Heat pg.362 Type of Heat Transfer Describe the different types of heat transfer.

5 Where Does Heat Transfer on This Beach?
The Transfer of Heat pg. 363 Where Does Heat Transfer on This Beach? Heat transfer goes on all around you all the time, even on the beach.

6 How is Heat Transferred? Pg.
Conduction is the transfer of heat from one particle of matter to another without the matter moving. The fast-moving particles in a warm object collide with the slow-moving particles in a cooler object, and the particles in the cooler object speed up. Objects or particles must be in direct contact for conduction to occur.

7 How is Heat Transferred?
Convection occurs only in fluids, such as water and air. As the fluid is heated, its particles speed up and move farther apart, so it becomes less dense and rises. Cooler fluid flows into its place, is also heated, and rises. Meanwhile, the previously heated fluid cools down, sinks, and the cycle repeats. This flow creates a circular motion called a convection current.

8 How is Heat Transferred?
Radiation is the transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves. It is the only form of heat transfer that does not require matter. Energy from the sun travels through empty space to Earth in the form of radiation.

9 The Transfer of Heat Use conduction to explain why you are more likely to see a wide, squat pot in the kitchen than a tall, narrow pot.

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