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On track to be 100% Renewable

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1 On track to be 100% Renewable
Renewable Newstead On track to be 100% Renewable

2 Energy in Transition. Who wins and loses?
Solar is cheap and still getting cheaper Storage will get cheaper over next 5 years 25% of Newstead customers already have solar powered The solar and battery revolution is on our doorstep. Who wins and who loses? Framing the problem we are solving in this project, and the rationale for a network tariff trial is needed for a community based solution

3 Our Renewable Focus. Fair, Inclusive, Cost-effective.
With less people using the grid, and less people paying for the grid (the poles and wires), how do we go 100% renewable in a way that is: Fair? Inclusive? Cost-effective? Framing the problem we are solving, and the rationale for a network tariff trial

4 Engagement with Powercor Setting fair foundations
New network tariff trial: Fixed network charge of $1/day - everyone pays a fair share for the grid. $2/kW/mth for peak demand - try not to use it all at once 0c/kWh for usage - Use more energy, for no extra network charge Explaining the logic of the tariff trial, and its key components

5 Its about sharing the cost of this stuff fairly, regardless of whether you can afford solar on not

6 Engagement with Powercor Setting fair foundations
$0/kWh usage charge encourages generating energy at lowest cost, and sharing that locally. e.g Everyone can buy local solar energy, regardless of roof size, orientation, income, home ownership….at the lowest possible price $1200/kW for solar farm without rebates $1200/kW for rooftop solar, after 25-30% rebates Explain the link between the tariff trial, and going 100% renewable, and collective/community benefit

7 What it means for you. Likely to pay $420-$520/pa for use of the local grid, regardless of how much energy (kWh) you use. Daytime energy with a solar farm likely to be approximately 50% of standard market c/kWh rates Balance of energy supply likely to be 10-15% less than standard market rates

8 What it means for you. Energy at home Save/pa Sve/pd
Run air conditioner 4hrs/day for 90 summer days during solar hrs $70 $0.80 Run split system a/c for heating instead of wood fire - 90 winter days, 4hrs/day during solar hrs $300 $3.5 Run washing/laundry cycle every 2nd day of the week, during solar hours $35 $0.20 Run electric resistance hot water during solar hrs, instead of overnight $80 $0.23

9 100% Renewable Newstead What Comes Next?
... We need to build local renewable energy and get 100% sign up. Simple right? Met with 6+ retailers, from biggest to smallest and start ups Met with 6+ solar farm financiers/builders Considered and assessed more than four different investment/retail models, working out how to share risk between solar investors and a retailer Explain work done to date leading up to the Diamond partnership

10 100% Renewable Newstead What Comes Next?
Why Diamond Energy? Ability to deliver a simple, integrated solution. Solar farm + battery finance, with low cost, no fuss retailing Long track record of supporting innovation and renewables across Australia Range of product and pricing that will ensure everyone can participate and benefit Handover to Diamond energy with the rationale for them as a partner

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