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Write about a time when you had to convince your parents, another adult or someone else to let you do something or have something.

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Presentation on theme: "Write about a time when you had to convince your parents, another adult or someone else to let you do something or have something."— Presentation transcript:

1 Write about a time when you had to convince your parents, another adult or someone else to let you do something or have something.

2 Reasoning and Argument
What is argument? 0

3 Argument: Reasoning: -an exchange of different or opposite views
-a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong. -evidence-based Reasoning: -the action of thinking about something in a logical, sensible way.

4 Corax of Syracuse -Perfected Rhetoric (argument and persuasion)
-Developed ways to argue and convince others in order to help people in court -Accused people had to defend themselves in court -Rhetoric was a way to do this.

5 -Guys like Plato, Aristotle and Socrates helped too
-They created something called the Rhetorical Triangle -The key ways to convince

6 The Rhetorical Triangle
Draw the triangle. Logos: Logic/reason/proof Ethos: Credibility/Trust Pathos: Emotions/Values

7 Logos -Structure of the speech/argument (opening/body/conclusion)
-References to studies, statistics, case studies -reasons, evidence, data, information, argument

8 Ethos -Credibility/Trust -authority, correctness, credibility
-cites credible sources, personal branding

9 Pathos -Stories, inspirational quotes, vivid language
-Knowledge, experience, individual stories/personal accounts


11 Write down which rhetorical device is demonstrated, with at least one sentence of explanation.

12 Look back at your writing prompt:
Which rhetorical device did you rely on most heavily?

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