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Towards WISE as a distributed system

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1 Towards WISE as a distributed system
Water Directors meeting, Paris, 24 November 2008 Stefan Jensen

2 Scope of the Shared Environmental Information System SEIS
Improve Modernise Streamline the present information systems

3 How ? better integration and sharing online information services
distributed information management Local, national, European, global serving policy makers and public e-reporting using existing e-infrastructure

4 WISE principles are SEIS principles
cooperation of EU institutions and Member States Information is managed as close as possible to its source Distributed WISE nodes Information is provided once and used for many purposes As of 2007 Reportnet is the WFD reporting tool Information accessible for clients to make comparisons at the appropriate geographical scale and information available to the public after due consideration of the appropriate level of aggregation, - (WISE map viewer displays of countries, river basins, catchment areas) European funding mechanisms should focus on delivering cost-effective analytical tools and services e.g. HarmoiCA (

5 INSPIRE Components Metadata
Interoperability of spatial data sets and services Network services (discovery, view, download, transform, invoke) Policy for data and service sharing Coordination and measures for Monitoring & Reporting Detailed technical provisions for the issues above will be laid down in Implementing Rules (IR)

6 From Reporting to Online Services
The current data flows Live Information Systems Member states Organisations Member states Organisations

7 Linking to National water information systems
Often related to National SDI and eGovernment initiatives

8 Available agreements - context
WISE implementation plan 2010 WISE as a distributed system Automated data transfer ... INSPIRE Roadmap up to 2019 SEIS Building blocks WISE, INSPIRE

9 Enhanced WISE services
Reportnet On-line Reporting Consolidated Database Map viewing Enhanced Map viewing Data access and viewing NEW

10 Future WISE system architecture

11 WISE implemented as a INSPIRE compliant distributed network architecture

12 Summary: Next steps of WISE towards a SEIS showcase
Partnership agreements Moving from application centric to network centric Preparing for distributed data exchange Strong involvement in INSPIRE process

13 Available products Full WISE architecture document
WISE architecture draft summary Draft implementation plan 2009 – 2013 (to be released) Pilot developments to be carried out

14 Phase I – by mid 2009 INPUT side: Pilot on-line exchange of Art 8 data
guided by WISE technical group Developments through DG Environment consultants with EEA management and implementation Includes candidate MS (AT, DE, ES, PL, SE …) OUTPUT side: First WISE Web Mapping Services Beta of WMS service for art3, art8 data

15 Further phases (simplified)
Phase 2 (mid 2009 – 2011) Stabilise pilot online data flow, add high priority ones, work with voluntary countries Phase 3 (2011 – 2013) Increase number of reporting areas (priority medium) and participating countries Phase 4 (2014 – 2018) Consolidate operational online data exchange for countries across reporting areas

16 Water Directors to agree on pilot exercise
with WFD Article 8 reporting as a showcase Thank you very much for your attention!

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