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VV3TT 2018 POC Program Project Title Proponent Name

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1 VV3TT 2018 POC Program Project Title Proponent Name University/Research Institution Date

2 © VV3TT 2018 POC Program – Venture Factory Srl
Executive summary The problem we address and the solution we propose Provide a brief summary of your proposed technology, the problem at hand and potential users. Technical details are not of special interest in this case: key figures on targeted market and industry characteristics are expected. ….. …… © VV3TT 2018 POC Program – Venture Factory Srl Update: July 2018 | 2

3 © VV3TT 2018 POC Program – Venture Factory Srl
Problem/Opportunity and Potential Impact Provide an overview of the problem you are addressing What is your value proposition for potential customers, and the “pain” you intend to solve? What Technological Readiness Level (TRL) have you reached and what do you plan to reach thanks to the POC investment? What are the existing solutions, and how do you plan to improve upon them? Why the customer should choose your solution? Keep your answer simple, and try to support your claims with quantitative data. Please read carefully the VV3TT 2018 POC Program Application Rules: © VV3TT 2018 POC Program – Venture Factory Srl Update: July 2018 | 3

4 © VV3TT 2018 POC Program – Venture Factory Srl
Technology, Product and IPR: Technological proposal and your approach to the problem Describe the proposed innovation and how it tackles the problem. How does your technology work? What is its implementation within a product or service? At what stage of development are you now? Is its TRL comprised between 3 and 5? What is its technical domain? Is it compatible with Vertis POC Program Guidelines? What are the technical specifications needed to reach the market and be profitable (think in terms of technical standards)? What components have you validated until now, and what remains untested? What technological risks do you foresee, and how do you intend to address them? (*) The fund VV3TTinvest mainly in industrial initiatives/technologies in line with Horizon 2020 guidelines focused on Industrial Leadership e Societal Challenges. Within this field, it usually does not invest in Digital B2C and Biotech, Pharma e Agrifood projects, unless they are concerned with instrumentations and devices. Ref.:  © VV3TT 2018 POC Program – Venture Factory Srl Update: July 2018 | 4

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Technology, Product and IPR: IPR, Prior Art and Freedom-to-Operate Have you informed your Technological Transfer Office of reference about this innovation? If any, at what stage is the patenting process? Describe existing prior art, in terms of patents and key papers. Stress your idea’s differences compared to prior art Detail the extent of your “freedom to operate” with respect to existing prior art (ex. Do you need external IP to be combined with yours?) Who else is working in the same topic within your institution or outside? © VV3TT 2018 POC Program – Venture Factory Srl Update: July 2018 | 5

6 © VV3TT 2018 POC Program – Venture Factory Srl
Market and Competition: Target Market, Go-to-Market strategy and Impact Who is your ideal customer? What is the market need? Why should they buy your product/service? What is your value proposition? Why is your ideas attractive (in terms of price, design, functionalities)? What’s the market size? How your innovation will fit it? What are the specifics of the market that your ideas need to satisfy to be accepted? What do you know about your potential customers? Have you already spoken to somebody to validate your expectations/assumptions? What would be your crucial next steps to get market impact, were you a VERTIS/Venture Factory POC Program winner (ex. legally establish your company, licensing, start a marketing campaign)? What are the potential barriers threatening these steps? © VV3TT 2018 POC Program – Venture Factory Srl Update: July 2018 | 6

7 © VV3TT 2018 POC Program – Venture Factory Srl
Market and Competition: Competitors How the customer is dealing with today’s pain? Are there already established competitors? What are innovative solutions in your field that incumbents are developing? What technologies do they exploit? Are those alternative or competitor? What is your reference point, among existing companies/technologies in your sector? © VV3TT 2018 POC Program – Venture Factory Srl Update: July 2018 | 7

8 © VV3TT 2018 POC Program – Venture Factory Srl
Business Model Have you already identified a possible business model for your idea? If so, can you elaborate it? © VV3TT 2018 POC Program – Venture Factory Srl Update: July 2018 | 8

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Business Plan: Timeline, Milestones and Deliverables Define the project’s timeline, its most relevant milestone and key activities and list the results/deliverables that you expect to obtain within the duration of the POC Program (ex. Prototypes, patent filing, SDK, API...): 3-4 milestone are an adequate number to ease the evaluation of ongoing progress. Please use the Excel sheet provided with the form: Gantt-Template.xlsx © VV3TT 2018 POC Program – Venture Factory Srl Update: July 2018 | 9

10 © VV3TT 2018 POC Program – Venture Factory Srl
Business Plan: Resources and Budget Recap the resources you need to complete the project. Keep in mind that the POC Program will award winners with Euro for project’s development, and euro to enhance your formation (i.e. not directly linked to the project). Given the limited resources available, budgets will be carefully evaluated, and special merit will be assigned to those able to carefully evaluate every item of the budget, limiting expenses to necessary ones in order to reach your goals. The project duration is limited to one year (12 months). However, please mention future expected expenses and potential, additional sources of financing. Have you looked for alternative financing sources? Please, mention these alternative sources, whether obtained it or not. Add if any member has obtained any type of financing (including from your University) for this project or strictly related ones. Please use the Excel sheet provided with the form: Gantt-Template.xlsx © VV3TT 2018 POC Program – Venture Factory Srl Update: July 2018 | 10

11 © VV3TT 2018 POC Program – Venture Factory Srl
Team and Partnerships List your team’s members, stressing their peculiar competences and roles in the project. Identify the crucial expertise areas needed to succeed in this project. Are you able to cover all these areas, or do you rely on external sources of competences and skills? If you do, please mention all your collaborators, highlighting their contribution. Elaborate on the possible effects of these collaboration on your IPR. Please, do mention financial or other forms of affiliation between the core group of researchers and collaborators. Have any members of your team founded another startup in this area? Identify potential conflict of interest, and how they can be handled. Which members of your team do you expect to remain, in the case a spinoff is constituted? Please upload your cv and those of the key members of the team © VV3TT 2018 POC Program – Venture Factory Srl Update: July 2018 | 11

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Reviewers and Experts Suggest at least three reviewers, possibly international referees not belonging to your department/laboratory/university. Crucially, they must not have any potential conflict of interest concerning your project. Please Note: specify if there is someone who would you rather not send this proposal © VV3TT 2018 POC Program – Venture Factory Srl Update: July 2018 | 12

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SWOT and Conclusions Compile a SWOT analysis summarising your proposal Conclusions Strenghts Opportunities Weaknesses Threats © VV3TT 2018 POC Program – Venture Factory Srl Update: July 2018 | 13

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