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The Sun’s Energy Worksheet Review.

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Presentation on theme: "The Sun’s Energy Worksheet Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sun’s Energy Worksheet Review

2 Types of Energy

3 Mechanical Energy

4 Radiant Energy

5 Thermal Energy

6 Chemical Energy

7 Electrical Energy

8 Electromagnetic Energy

9 Nuclear Energy

10 Energy Transfers

11 Energy Transfer Chapter 17.2 HEAT – the energy transferred from one object to another because of a difference in temperature

12 Conduction the transfer of heat through matter by molecular activity
Two objects transfer heat because they are touching Solids, Liquids, & Gases

13 Convection the transfer of heat by mass movement or circulation within a substance. Usually in fluids (air, water, magma)

14 Radiation energy that travels in the form of a wave
Can travel through vacuum (no matter) Travels out in all directions



17 The Sun Chapter 24.3

18 How does the sun comare…

19 4 parts of the sun

20 A. Core Structure of the Sun
the temperature at the core is 15,000,000°C it is made up entirely of gas the sun is fueled by nuclear fusion in this process, hydrogen atoms are fused to make helium atoms

21 Hydrogen Atom Nuclear Fusion Hydrogen Atom

22 Nuclear Fission

23 Combustion

24 B. Radiation Zone: the temperature in the radiation zone is 2,500,000°C
C. Convection Zone: the temperature in the convection zone is 1,000,000 °C


26 Atmosphere of the Sun A. Photosphere
the temperature in the photosphere is 6,000 °C it is considered the surface of the sun it appears yellow in color


28 B. Chromosphere the temperature in the chromosphere is 4,000 °C it appears reddish in color


30 Corona the temperature in the corona is 2,000,000°C
it can only be seen during a total solar eclipse


32 Solar Activity Sunspots: cool, dark areas of the sun that appear darker than the surrounding areas number of sunspots varies according to an average 11-year cycle temperature drops and solar activity slow at site



35 Prominences: cloud of glowing gases that arches high above the sun’s surface
caused by the sun’s magnetic field


37 Solar Flare: sudden outward eruption of electrically charged atomic particles
may interfere with phone, TV, and radio reception


39 Solar Wind: electrically charged atomic particles that stream out into space from holes in the corona as particles fly past the Earth, they interact with our magnetic field and upper atmosphere causing auroras

40 The Study of Light Chapter 24.1

41 Electromagnetic Radiation
Type of energy in the form of rays and waves

42 Electromagnetic Spectrum
the arrangement of the different types of electromagnetic radiation (like a pattern) arranged according to wavelength and frequency we will focus on visible light



45 frequency: how many time a wavelength passes a particular point
Different wavelengths represent different colors Violet Blue Green Yellow Orange Red


47 SPECTROSCOPY the study of light that depends on wavelength
there are different types of spectrum depending on the conditions of the gas (temperature & pressure)

48 DOPPLER EFFECT The Change in wavelength of a wave that is emitted from a source that is moving away or toward an object. SOUND Doppler Demo: Siren Sound: Moving Ambulance:

49 LIGHT In Astronomy, the Doppler effect is used to determine whether a star is moving away from or toward Earth Movement is determined by the length and color of the wave

50 Moving toward  appears more blue because wavelength is shorter…
Moving toward  appears more blue because wavelength is shorter….BLUE SHIFT Moving away  appears more red because wavelength is longer…….RED SHIFT

51 Earth’s magnetic field protects the planet from the harmful effects of radiation
Portals allowing radiation into Earth’s atmosphere Holes in Earth’s Magnetic Field


53 Once solar radiation reaches Earth…

54 Heating land vs. water…


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