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New Regional Indicators

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1 New Regional Indicators
Pedro Ferreira 2/3-Oct-2008

2 Structure of my talk Information society statistics Poverty statistics
Environment statistics 8/9-Oct-2009 New Regional Indicators

3 Regional Information Society data

4 Information society statistics (1)
For the first time, regional information society indicators were published in our Regional Yearbook Available data in NewCronos (some Member states with only NUTS 1 data): Households with access to the Internet at home Households with broadband access Individuals regularly using the Internet Individuals who have never used a computer Individuals who ordered goods or services over the Internet for private use 8/9-Oct-2009 New Regional Indicators

5 Information society statistics (2)
It is planned to include regional code at NUTS level 3 into the micro data – TASK project The main goal of TASK is to use NUTS 3 figures only as building blocks to meaningful aggregates, e.g. rural regions or convergence regions No single region will be public. Only the aggregates will be, if they have the minimum reliability requirements Unit F6 will start a project to evaluate the variance of some aggregates of NUTS 3 regions to check the aggregate’s reliability 8/9-Oct-2009 New Regional Indicators

6 Regional Poverty data 2/3-Oct-2008

7 Poverty statistics – increasing need
Regional poverty statistics is already planned in the Multiannual Programme - European Parliament and Council Decision 1578/2007/EC of 11 December 2007 “Regional cohesion” is one of the principal Community policy priorities – Article 2 One of the main initiatives for the period on the Social Policy, Education, Vocational training and Youth is: Indicators on regional poverty (using small area estimation techniques where national regional data are not available) and child poverty will be developed. 8/9-Oct-2009 New Regional Indicators

8 Poverty statistics – how to start
Two possible solutions can be explored: Using the same philosophy as the TASK project Using the “proxy” approach 8/9-Oct-2009 New Regional Indicators

9 Poverty statistics – TASK approach
EU-SILC is the main source for the compilation of comparable indicators on social cohesion. It is a sample survey aimed to provide NUTS 1 estimates at the most Including the regional NUTS code in the micro data will allow to explore which kinds of meaningful aggregates have the minimum reliability requirements As an example, it maybe possible to compute the “at-risk-of-poverty rate” for rural regions and compare it with urban regions, without increasing the statistical burden on respondents 8/9-Oct-2009 New Regional Indicators

10 Poverty statistics – “proxy” approach
A different approach would be the definition of a set of proxies for regional poverty that could be more easily collected Set of poverty proxies could be defined by a task force of experts This approach could be also very useful in exploring different aspects of poverty in a multivariate manner 8/9-Oct-2009 New Regional Indicators

11 Regional Environment Statistics

12 Regional Environment Statistics – the past:
Last Eurostat regional environmental data collection (REQ) in 2003 Aggregation level required: NUTS level 2 Thematic areas covered: - water resources - wastewater treatment - solid waste Very low response rates 8/9-Oct-2009 New Regional Indicators

13 Thematic coverage DGs REGIO & ENV+ the EEA were consulted
Proposed data items are from the domains Water resources & wastewater treatment Waste Land use, agriculture & forests Transport Air quality, climate change List of parameters: under construction in ESTAT E-3 8/9-Oct-2009 New Regional Indicators

14 Aggregation level NUTS 2
River Basin Districts (RBD) & sub-units (for some water parameters) 8/9-Oct-2009 New Regional Indicators

15 Time Table Final list of parameters: November 2009
Questionnaires sent to NSIs: February 2010 Deadline for replies: June 2010 Data validation: July – October 2010 from Nov 2010: Preparation of publications 8/9-Oct-2009 New Regional Indicators

16 Consultancy support Workshop Hotline (phone / e-mail)  
Country visits  Data validation Elements for publications 8/9-Oct-2009 New Regional Indicators

17  your support is vital!! How to make it a success?
Support by Eurostat Raise awareness in NSIs Free resources! Alert other data sources  your support is vital!! 8/9-Oct-2009 New Regional Indicators

18 Thank you for your attention
Any questions? 8/9-Oct-2009 New Regional Indicators

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