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The Stomach.

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1 The Stomach

2 G. Stomach a. J shaped b. Slightly on left side of body

3 c. Functions 1) Mechanical breakdown, 3 layers of powerful muscle

4 Functions 2) Chemical breakdown (acid/enzyme)

5 Gastric Juices Hydrochloric acid - (HCl) a strong acid that breaks down pepsin Pepsin – enzyme that breaks down proteins Mucus – lubricates materials and protects the stomach lining

6 Chyme Soft pulp of partially digested proteins, carbohydrates, and fats

7 Functions 3) Storage (holds up to about 1 gallon)

8 Kobayashi Worlds greatest eater! 5’7’’ 130lbs

9 Kobayashi 18 pounds of cow brains in 15 min 53 hot dogs and buns in 12 min 20 pounds of rice in 30 min

10 Kobayashi Once ate at an all you can eat buffet and gained 26 pounds at one sitting!!

11 Regions of the Stomach

12 Regions of the Stomach Fundus – top, dome-shaped part

13 Regions of the Stomach Body – large middle section

14 Regions of the Stomach Pyloric region – funnel shaped end of stomach

15 Pyloric Sphincter e. Valve that controls the chyme leaving the stomach

16 Rugae f. Inside folds and wrinkles

17 Inside Stomach

18 Ulcers g. Open sores in the stomach walls

19 Small Intestine

20 H. Small Intestine Main digestive organ, absorbs nutrients

21 Size a. 2.5 cm wide and 7 meters long

22 3 Main Parts jejunum ileum duodenum

23 c. Duodenum First 10 inches after stomach

24 Duodenum

25 Duodenum Contains bile duct and pancreatic duct

26 Bile Yellow-green liquid Comes from the liver to neutralize acid
Emulsifies fat Adds color to feces

27 d. Jejunum About 8 feet long Bulk of nutrient absorption

28 Jejunum

29 e. Ileum About 12 feet long Connects to large intestine

30 ilium

31 3 Main Parts

32 f. Villi Fingerlike projections that line inside of small intestines

33 Villi increase surface area for better absorption

34 Villi Nutrients diffuse into the arteries and veins in each villi

35 Large Intestine

36 I. Large intestine a. (colon) absorbs water

37 Large intestine b. Contains lots of bacteria
Over 500 different good bacteria

38 Bacteria Supplies B and K vitamins
Release gases as they ferment particles, 500 ml a day

39 Size c. 6 cm wide and 1.5 meters long

40 Large Intestine

41 d. Ileocecal valve One way valve between ileum and cecum

42 e. Cecum Pouch that receive digestive liquid from S.I.

43 f. Appendix Worm like structure, no function

44 f. Appendicitis Inflamed appendix from infection and blockage

45 g. Colon Ascending = goes up Transverse = across
Descending = goes down Sigmoid = bending part

46 Colonoscopy

47 h. Rectum Collects and expels feces, very muscular

48 i. Anus – exit of digestive system
Two anal sphincters - Interior = involuntary - Exterior = voluntary

49 J. Digestive Issues a. Diarrhea - NOT enough water absorbed by colon

50 Digestive Issues b. Constipation - TOO much water absorbed by the large intestine

51 Digestive Issues c. Hemorrhoids - Large veins inflamed in rectum and anus

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