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The important of implementation Labour standard in Indonesia

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1 The important of implementation Labour standard in Indonesia

2 Time Frame 2 (two months) August – Sept 2011

3 Background and Justification
Eventhough Indonesia Have ratified all main ILO convention ( No. 87, 98, 29, 105, 100, 111, 138,182) and adopted in Indonesia labour law, but in many companies/factories found it is not well implemented yet. There is need more effort from the union to push management of the companies/factories to implement that law and to force the government to give a kind of penalties to those who do not well implement the law.

4 Background and Justification
Representatives of FSPMI, and CITU attended worshop on labour law reform, ILO standard and Trade union agenda in Bangkok. Upon returning to our organization, we decided to create a focus group discustion in our organization (Plant level and national level). The team will put in place, central board of FSPMI and Plant level of KEP-CITU

5 Target Group and parties involved
The target groups will be all leaders from national level (FSPMI) and Plant level (KEP-CITU) PT Inco- Soroako North Sulawesi Including women directorate of FSPMI

6 Objectives Increasing knowladge of trade union leader how important to implement labour law in every level of organization. Certein number of trade union leader aware about labour law. To support law enforcement start from plant level.

7 Activities FOCUS GROUP DISCUSION Time Participant Total NO
1 August Central Board Committee of FSPMI 24 2 August Plant level Union Leader at PT INCO 30 3 Sept Women Directorate of FSPMI 17

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