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Human Body District Assessment, Thursday.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Body District Assessment, Thursday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Body District Assessment, Thursday.
Monday November 13, 2017 Human Body District Assessment, Thursday.


3 Human Body District Assessment, Thursday.
Tuesday November 14, 2017 Human Body District Assessment, Thursday.

4 Vocabulary Review 1) place a If you know the definition
2) Place a If you are not sure 3) and A If you have no idea

5 Vocabulary Review 4) cut cards apart
5) put them in piles based on face 6) in groups, help each other turn into

6 Respiratory System Consisting of lungs and passageways that lead to the lungs

7 Digestive system A group of organs that take in and digest food and eliminate solid wastes

8 Circulatory system circulates blood throughout the body, delivers essential substances to cells, and removes waste

9 Integumentary system consisting of the skin, hair, and nails that protects the underlying tissues.

10 Skeletal system bones, tendons, ligaments and cartilage , — support, movement, protection, blood cell production, calcium storage

11 Nervous system the network of nerve cells and fibers that transmits nerve impulses between parts of the body

12 Muscular system permits movement of the body, maintains posture

13 Reproductive system The organs and glands in the body that aid in the production of new individuals 

14 Endocrine system Groups of glands that produce hormones and release them into the blood stream

15 Chemical change Transforms one substance into a different substance

16 Physical change Any change in size or shape, but the substance does not change

17 Mechanical digestion mechanically breaks down very large aggregates of food molecules into smaller particles. 

18 Chemical digestion action of enzymes, and converted into a substance suitable for absorption 

19 hormones Chemical signals that regulate body functions

20 Pituitary gland the major endocrine gland, important in controlling growth and development and the functioning of the other endocrine glands.

21 Organic compound always contains carbon ( with a few exceptions, such as CO2 )

22 Inorganic compound composed of other elements. (They can contain hydrogen or carbon, but if they have both, they are organic.)

23 Human Body District Assessment, Thursday.
Wednesday November 15, 2017 Human Body District Assessment, Thursday.

24 Human Body District Assessment, Thursday.
Thursday November 16, 2017 Human Body District Assessment, Thursday.

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