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Coming Events – The Judgment/Bema Seat of Christ

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Presentation on theme: "Coming Events – The Judgment/Bema Seat of Christ"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coming Events – The Judgment/Bema Seat of Christ
The Bema-Evaluation Seat of Christ II Cor 5:10 I Cor 3:13 Rom 14:10-12 - meaning - the fact of the bema judgment - purpose - the things to be judged/tested - how we treated other believers - how we used our God given talents - how we used our money/material things - how we used our time, etc. - the results of the bema judgment

2 Coming Event-Bema Seat of Christ
The MEANING The Bema/Evaluation Seat of Christ of the Raptured saints Not a judicial/punishment seat, but an evaluation/reward seat!!! Origin in Olympic games - an elevated seat the Judge of the games sat on to judge the rewards/crowns for the victors of the games. The Christian life is a race! Note: it is a marathon, not a sprint! We will discuss the “actions “ of our Christian race that will be evaluated and determine the rewards/crowns we receive.

3 Coming Event-Bema Seat of Christ
The FACT of the Bema Seat Rom 14:10-12 “..For we all shall stand before the judgment seat of Christ…” I Cor 3:13 “Every man’s works shall be manifest, for the day shall declare it..” II Cor 5:10 “For we all must appear before the judgment seat of Christ…”

4 Coming Event-Bema Seat of Christ
The PURPOSE of the Bema Seat Not to determine whether or not an individual will enter heaven Not to punish believers for sins they committed on earth Isa 44:22, Isa 38:17, I John 1:7 It is to evaluate how good of Stewarts we were of what God entrusted us to manage/possess during our stay on earth. I Cor 4:2, I Pet 4:10 Understand this: in the past God dealt with us as Sinners, in the present He deals with us as Sons & Daughters, in the future at the Beam seat He deals with us a Stewards.

5 Coming Event-Bema Seat of Christ
What things will be EVALUATED? Remember this is an evaluation of us as Stewards of what God entrusted us with while here on the earth!! In all things, it is about the heart!! How we treated other believers. Heb 6:10, Matt 10:41-42 How we responded to or exercised authority over others. Heb 13:17, James 3:1 How we employed/used our God given abilities. II Tim 1:6, I Cor 12: 4&11, I Pet 4:10

6 Coming Event-Bema Seat of Christ
How we used the money/resources entrusted to us. I Tim 6:17-19, II Cor 9:6-7, I Cor 16:2 How we handled sufferings/persecution for Christ’s sake. Matt 5:11-12, I Pet 4:12-13, Mk 10:29-30, *II Cor 4:17, *Rom 8:18 How we spent our time. Eph 5:16, I Pet 1:17, Ps 90:12 How we run the common/particular “race” God has called us to. I Cor 9:24, Phil 3:13-14, Heb 12:1 How effectively we controlled the old “corrupt” nature. I Cor 9:25-27 How many people we witnessed to in word (speak) and action. I Thess 2:19-20, Dan 12:3

7 Coming Event-Bema Seat of Christ
How we react or handled temptation. James 1:2-3, Rev 2:10 With how much passion we anticipate His return. It will determine how we live this life!! II Tim 4:8 How faithful we are to the word of God and His church. I Pet 5:2-4, II Tim 4:1-2 This is a time when Your Works do matter!! The evaluation: I Cor 3:10-15 (intent of the heart) The evaluation fire reveals if the work is Gold, Silver, Precious Stones (survives the test) or wood, hay, and stubble (destroyed by the testing of fire).

8 Coming Event-Bema Seat of Christ
The evaluation fire: I Cor 3:10-15 (intent of the heart) The evaluation fire reveals if the work is Gold, Silver, Precious Stones (survives the test) or wood, hay, and stubble (destroyed by the testing of fire). Gold, Silver, Precious Jewels: to teach/speak sound Christian doctrine, to live a life that presents the truth of God’s word, leading others to spiritual maturity, being Christ like!! Wood, Hay, Stubble: to provide unsound/untrue Christian doctrine, to live a life that does not model Christ, to live with a “Me” self centered metality.

9 Coming Event-Bema Seat of Christ
The Results of the Bema Seat of Christ Most will receive REWARDS. I Cor 3:14 Five possible rewards/crowns (talents or abilities?): a. The incorruptible crown – given to those who master the old nature. I Cor 9:25-27 b. The crown of rejoicing – given to soul winners. Prov 11:30, Dan 12:3, I Thess 2:19-20 c. The crown of life – given to those that resist/endure temptation. James 1:2-3, Rev 2:10 d. The crown of righteousness – given to those that especially love the event of Christ’s return. II Tim 4:8 e. The crown of glory – given to faithful pastors and teachers. Acts 20:26-28, II Tim 4:1, I Pet 5:2-4 2. Some suffer loss. I Cor 3:15 Wood, hay, and stubble works are burned up, rewards are lost, not your salvation!!!!!

10 Coming Event-Bema Seat of Christ
Next week: The Marriage of the Lamb.

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