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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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Presentation on theme: "Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

2 Why We Are Pre-Millennial Selected Scriptures
Prophetic scriptures can be confusing - the disciples did not understand Jesus’ prophecy about Himself We must be humble people when considering eschatology - doctrine of last things

3 Why We Are Pre-Millennial Selected Scriptures
If there is no tension in your eschatology, your spring is broken Every Bible believing Christian should have a common goal of striving to correctly understand God’s Word Book: The Meaning of the Millennium: Four Views, edited by Robert G. Clouse

4 Millennial Positions All millennial views are related to the kingdom of God and the presence of Jesus Christ within it

5 Millennial Positions Premillennialists believe Jesus will return prior to establishing His 1,000 year reign on earth The Tribulation occurs before the millennium and the eternal state occurs after it

6 Millennial Positions Postmillennialists believe the Christianization of the world will bring a millennium of peace & prosperity The millennium is an uncertain length of time, and Jesus returns at the end of it bringing the eternal state

7 Millennial Positions Amillennialists deny a future earthly kingdom of peace & righteousness before the end of the world The world continues similar to the present until the Second Coming & the eternal state The millennium is a present heavenly kingdom of undetermined length

8 History of Millennial Positions
Historically, premillennial belief (Chiliastic) dominated until the 4th Century Amillennial belief rose with Constantine & dominated until the reformation. It continued in some churches

9 History of Millennial Positions
Postmillennial belief developed and dominated in the 18th Century, but declined after WWII The Premillennial view revived in the 19th Century. At present, all three views can be found among true believers and genuine followers of Jesus Christ.

10 History of Millennial Positions
Reasons for belief vary greatly: *Limited exposure, *tradition, *politics, *a teacher’s influence, *Bible study Live according to 2 Timothy 2:15 and study to come to Biblical understanding and conviction

11 A Question of Hermeneutics
All views believe in a future eternal state of blessing for the righteous & damnation for the wicked Grace Bible Church holds to and teaches a dispensational, premillennial understanding of eschatology

12 A Question of Hermeneutics
The difference in views is based on differences in interpretation based on differences in hermeneutics GBC follows the historico-grammatical or literal system of hermeneutics - Bible interpretation

13 A Question of Hermeneutics
The literal system places priority on understanding a text according to its original meaning The literal system follows normal usage of words and grammar for any particular type of literature

14 A Question of Hermeneutics
The historico-grammatical method helps prevent exegetical abuse by seeking the meaning first intended Allegorical & mystical methods, still common in many churches, allows for creative speculation

15 A Question of Hermeneutics
Allegorical interpretation among Puritans resulted in works of theological imagination If the plain sense makes sense, make no other sense - even unusual creatures such as in Revelation 9:7-11

16 Revelation 20 This chapter sets the time length for the kingdom and Revelation sets the sequence of future events: Sequence: Tribulation (6-18), Return of Christ (19), Millennium (20), Judgment (20), Eternal state (21-22)

17 1,000 years used six times setting the length of time for:
Revelation 20 1,000 years used six times setting the length of time for: Satan being bound. Reign of Christ & those who are part of the First resurrection. Waiting period for resurrection to judgment When Satan would be released for a season.

18 Revelation 20 Psalm 90:4 & 2 Peter 3:8 both use 1,000 metaphorically - as required by literal interpretation Revelation 20 is a narrative without any indicators of metaphorical use of 1,000 - as in other passages

19 Revelation 20 Non-literal interpretation of prophecy because it is prophecy is a leaky bucket being filled with speculation

20 Future Kingdom Promises to Israel
Acts 1:6-8 - Jesus tells the disciples the timing of the future kingdom was up to the Father Prophecies of Israel’s future restoration are interpreted allegorically by those replacing Israel with the church

21 Future Kingdom Promises to Israel
Prophets from Moses (Deut. 30) to Malachi predict Israel’s future restoration & judgment of nations Joel’s prophesies are partially fulfilled in Acts 2, but the rest are still future - Joel 3:18-21 Amos 9: future prophecy of Israel’s unparalleled future restoration

22 Conclusions The difference in millennial views is due to difference in hermeneutics - rules of Biblical interpretation GBC follows the historico-grammatical method and therefore believes God’s promises as written

23 Conclusions Allegorical methods interpret God’s promises in ways not understandable from a simple reading of the texts Allegorical methods make God’s promises unsure because they cannot be known with certainty

24 Conclusions Allegorical methods make man’s theological frameworks superior to God’s clear revelation Be kind and gracious, but dig deep to understand God’s word and then stand firm

25 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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