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Children, Youth and Families Department

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1 Children, Youth and Families Department
Safety Saves! September 23, 2009

2 Introductions FACTS David Montoya, Acting Metro Deputy Director, Protective Services Crawford Spooner, Chief Information Officer

3 Safety Overview Why Safety? Safety, Permanency and Well-Being Outcomes
Safety is First and Most Critical Enhance the safety of children in New Mexico Utilize technology to support case workers and inform critical case decisions Better decisions reduce agency risk and liabilities Comply with federal Child and Family Services (CFSR) Program Improvement Plan (PIP) Avoid fines/sanctions/legal fees that could result from non-compliance

4 Safety Overview Why Safety?
Comply with Governor’s Performance Initiatives Ensuring Health and Safety of Children Improve Outcomes for Vulnerable Individuals, Families and Children Enforce “Zero Tolerance” of abuse, neglect and exploitation Ensure safety for abused and neglected children

5 Accomplishments Project Deliverable Approval Date
Project Initiation Phase 05/27/09 Project Charter 06/08/09 Technical Architecture Review (TARC) 06/10/09 Project Planning Phase 06/24/09 Contract In Place 07/01/09 IV & V In Progress Project Implementation Phase 09/23/09

6 Project Funding HB 2 Section 7 Data Processing Appropriations
$764,000 #11 – Children, Youth and Families Dept: To begin updating the family automated client tracking system. CYFD Request FY10 - $764,000

7 Project Funding Breakdown
Project Phase Total Cost Project Initiation $0.00 Project Planning $128,000.00 Project Implementation $636,000.00 Total Project Cost $764,000.00

8 FACTS Project Milestones
Project Deliverable Target Date Completed Date Requirements Documents 08/15/09 8/14/09 Project Plans 8/3/09 Design Documents 10/01/09 9/21/09 Software Development 01/01/10 In Progress Quality Assurance Testing 02/01/10 User Acceptance Testing 03/01/10 Regression Testing 04/05/10 Implementation 05/10/10

9 Benefits Increased likelihood of more targeted interventions
Ability to better measure the improvements in outcomes for children and families served Improved data validity and reliability for staff to use to make critical decisions  Controlled risk management costs

10 Children, Youth and Families Department

11 Children, Youth and Families Department
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