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U.S. Navy Uniform Regulations (NAVPERS 15665) Chapter Two Grooming Standards CS1 Christie Lipford
Chapter Two General Information
The primary consideration is to have a neatly groomed appearance while wearing naval uniforms. Grooming standards are based on several elements including neatness, cleanliness, safety, military image and appearance. The standards established here are not intended to be overly restrictive nor are they designed to isolate Navy personnel from society. The limits set forth are reasonable, enforceable, and insure that personal appearance contributes to a favorable military image. The difference between men's and women's grooming policies recognizes the difference between the sexes; sideburns for men, different hairstyles and cosmetics for women. Establishing identical grooming and personal appearance standards for men and women would not be in the Navy's best interest and is not a factor in the assurance of equal opportunity. Navy personnel assigned to Marine Corps units who elect to wear and are issued Marine Corps service uniforms at no expense, will abide by grooming standards established for Marines. Navy personnel assigned to Marine Corps units who do not elect to wear Marine Corps service uniforms will be issued only utilities and shall abide by grooming standards for Navy personnel.
Chapter Two General Information
SMARTNESS Image United States Navy personnel must set and maintain the high standards of smartness in uniform appearance. The military image reflected by attention to detail, while wearing your uniforms, is a key element in the public image of the Navy. Cleanliness Uniforms shall be kept scrupulously clean, with lace, devices and insignia bright and free from tarnish and corrosion. Articles NO ARTICLES SHALL PROTRUDE FROM OR BE VISIBLE ON THE UNIFORM, including such items as, pencils, pens, watch chains, key chain fobs, pins, jewelry, combs, large wallets, cigars, cigarettes, pipes, or similar items (Jewelry, tie clasps, cuff links, shirt studs and earrings shall be worn as prescribed elsewhere in these regulations). Communication devices issued for official business may be worn on the uniform in the manner prescribed below:
Chapter Two General Information
ARTICLES - Working and service uniforms: ONE wireless communications device (e.g., cell phone, personal digital assistant (PDA), pagers, etc.) may be worn on the belt, either side of the body and aft of the elbow. Devices will not be visible from the front and worn in such a manner as to impede the normal wear and appearance of the uniform (e.g., sagging, bunching, etc.). - Service dress and above uniforms: wireless communication devices are not to be worn in such a manner as to be visible (i.e., front, side or rear, bulging, or protruding) when wearing dress uniforms. - Use of these devices will not interfere with the proper rendering of military courtesies and honors. - Whenever there is a concern for operational security, the authorized wearing of these devices will be at the commanding officer’s discretion.
Chapter Two General Information
ARTICLES - Civilian bags (e.g., computer bags/briefcases, gym bags, backpacks, garment bags, etc., this does not include women’s handbags/purses) may be worn with the working and service uniforms as prescribed in the manner below: - Computer bag/brief case and backpacks: may be worn across the left shoulder of service and working uniforms to facilitate saluting. When wearing a bag, the strap must be worn across the left shoulder (fore and aft) with the bag hanging on the same side of the body. The case or bag will not be worn with the strap and bag on the opposite sides of the body (diagonally). Backpacks may also be worn over both shoulders when wearing the working uniform (e.g., coveralls, utilities, and camouflage). - All bags worn with the uniform must conceal its contents and be either solid black or navy blue in color. There shall be no personal ornamentation attached on or to the bag. - While in dress uniform, civilian bags will be hand carried only
Chapter Two General Information
Military Creases. Military creases on shirts are an individual option. Sewn‑in creases are not authorized. Military creases are formed by pressing two vertical creases in the front of the shirt, from the shoulder seam through the center of each pocket to the bottom of the shirt, and three evenly spaced vertical creases in the back of the shirt, from the yoke seam to the bottom of the shirt. Shirts which do not have a yoke seam across the back of the shirt as a reference point for placing three evenly spaced creases, start the outboard creases at the shoulder seam and the center crease at the seam where the collar is attached to the shirt, ending all at the bottom of the shirt. Tailoring of Uniforms. Uniforms may be tailored to provide a well-fitting, professional military bearing. They shall not be altered to the extent of detracting from a military appearance, nor shall they be tailored to the point of presenting a tight form fit.
Chapter Two General Information
CARE OF THE UNIFORM The longest service of the various uniform articles can be attained only by proper care and maintenance. Carrying large or heavy objects in pockets will quickly destroy the shape of the best uniform. Uniforms should be stored on hangers. If uniforms are to be stored for a long time, they should be cleaned thoroughly, then packed away in an airtight plastic bag with a packet of desiccant (drying agent) for maximum preservation.
Chapter Two General Information
CLEANING a. Buttons. Buttons may turn green when the pewter plating wears off and the copper base becomes covered with green copper carbonate due to exposure to moist air. You can remove the green coloring by rubbing gently with acetic acid or any substance containing this acid such as vinegar or Worcestershire sauce, followed by a thorough washing in clean water. b. Embroidered Insignia. Embroidered insignia may be kept bright by occasional scrubbing with a nail brush and a diluted ammonia solution. Do this as soon as there are signs of tarnish or corrosion. If corrosion has been allowed to continue after it has gained a foothold, the device may not be restorable. c. Gold Lace. Gold bullion lace will tarnish rapidly and may deteriorate when in contact with or hung near any substance containing sulphur, such as rubber or ordinary manila or kraft wrapping paper. Gold bullion lace should be cleaned by an experienced tailor although liquid nontoxic preparations and certain liquid cleaners available commercially may be used if applied according to manufacturer's instruction. d. Metal Insignia. Clean the gold filled and sterling silver rhodium finished parts of metal insignia by washing with soap and water. Insignia will not be polished to the degree that the basic details of the standard insignia are defaced, removed, or altered in general appearance.
Chapter Two Personal Appearance
Because it is impossible to provide examples of every appropriate or unacceptable hairstyle or of “conservative” or “eccentric” grooming and personal appearance, the good judgment of leaders at all levels is key to enforcement of Navy grooming policy. Therefore, hair/grooming/personal appearance while in uniform shall present a neat, professional appearance.
Chapter Two Personal Appearance
HAIR Men - Keep hair neat, clean and well groomed. - Hair on the back of the neck must not touch the collar. - Hair shall be no longer than four inches and may not touch the ears, collar, extend below eyebrows when headgear is removed, show under front edge of headgear, or interfere with properly wearing military headgear. - The bulk of the hair shall not exceed approximately two inches. (Bulk is defined as the distance that the mass of hair protrudes from the scalp). Hair coloring must look natural and complement the individual. Faddish styles and outrageous multicolored hair are not authorized. - One (cut, clipped or shaved) natural, narrow, fore and aft part is authorized. - Sideburns shall not extend below a point level with the middle of the ear, shall be of even width (not flared) and shall end with a clean shaven horizontal line. ("Muttonchops", "ship's captain", or similar grooming modes are not authorized).
Chapter Two Personal Appearance
HAIR Women. - Hairstyles shall not be outrageously multicolored or faddish, to include shaved portions of the scalp (other than the neckline), or have designs cut or braided into the hair. Hair coloring must look natural and complement the individual. Haircuts and styles shall present a balanced appearance. - When a hairstyle of multiple braids is worn, braids shall be of uniform dimension, small in diameter (approx. 1/4 inch), - Short hair may be braided in symmetrical fore and aft rows (corn rowing) which minimize scalp exposure. - All headgear shall fit snugly and comfortably around the largest part of the head without distortion or excessive gaps. Hair shall not show from under the front of the brim of the combination hat, garrison, or command ball caps. - When in uniform, the hair may touch, but not fall below a horizontal line level with the lower edge of the back of the collar. With jumper uniforms, hair may extend a maximum of 1-1/2 inches below the top of the jumper collar. - No portion of the bulk of the hair as measured from the scalp will exceed approximately 2 inches. - A maximum of two small barrettes/combs/ clips, similar to hair color, may be used in the hair.
Chapter Two Personal Appearance
SHAVING AND MUSTACHES (Men) - The face shall be clean shaven unless a shaving waiver is authorized by the Commanding Officer. - Mustaches be kept neatly and closely trimmed. Don’t extend below the lip line of the upper lip. no more than 1/4 inch beyond a vertical line drawn from the corner of the mouth. - The length shall not exceed approximately ½ inch. - Handlebar mustaches, goatees, beards or eccentricities are not permitted. - If a shaving waiver is authorized, no facial/neck hair shall be shaved, manicured, styled or outlined nor exceed 1/4 inch in length. Supervisors of individuals with shaving waivers shall actively monitor and ensure treatment regimen is followed. - The following personnel are not authorized to wear any facial hair except for valid medical reasons: a. Brig prisoners. b. Brig awardees. c. Personnel in a disciplinary hold status (i.e., who are serving restriction or hard labor without confinement or extra duties as a result of a court‑martial or NJP).
Chapter Two Personal Appearance
HAIRPIECES Wigs or hairpieces shall be of good quality and fit, present a natural appearance and conform to the grooming standards set forth in these regulations. Men Wigs or hairpieces may be worn by active duty personnel while in uniform or duty status only for cosmetic reasons to cover natural baldness or physical disfigurement. Wigs may be worn by Naval Reserve personnel engaged in inactive duty for training. Women Wigs or hairpieces meeting women's grooming standards are authorized for wear by personnel while in uniform or duty status.
Chapter Two Personal Appearance
FINGERNAILS Men - Fingernails shall not extend past fingertips. They shall be kept clean. Women - Fingernails shall not exceed 1/4 inch measured from the fingertip. They shall be kept clean. - Nail polish may be worn, but colors shall be conservative and complement the skin tone. JEWELRY Rings - While in uniform, only one ring per hand is authorized, plus a wedding/engagement ring set. - Rings are not authorized for wear on thumbs. EARRINGS Men - Not authorized while in uniform/civilian attire/foreign countries. - One earring per ear (centered on earlobe) may be worn while in uniform. Earrings shall be 4mm - 6mm ball (approximately 1/8 - 1/4 inch), plain with shiny or brushed matte finish, screw on or with posts. Gold for officers/CPOs, and silver for enlisted personnel. Small single pearl earrings are authorized for wear with Dinner and Formal Dress uniforms.
Chapter Two Personal Appearance
Body Piercing - Not authorized while in uniform. Necklaces/Choker. - While in uniform, only one necklace may be worn and it shall not be visible. Wristwatch/Bracelets - While in uniform, only one of each may be worn. Ankle bracelets are not authorized while in uniform. Tattoos/Body Art/Brands - No tattoos/body art/brands on the head, face, neck, or scalp. Tattoos/body art/brands will not be visible through uniform clothing. Mutilation - Intentional body mutilation, piercing, branding/intentional scarring that are excessive or eccentric are prohibited. Some examples are: A split or forked tongue; Foreign objects inserted under the skin to create a design or pattern; Enlarged or stretched out holes in the ears (other than a normal piercing); Intentional scarring that appears on the neck, face, or scalp. Waivers may be requested for prior service and existing body mutilation, piercing, branding/intentional scarring from the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (N131U).
Chapter Two Personal Appearance
Dental Ornamentation The use of gold, platinum, or other veneers or caps for purposes of ornamentation are prohibited. Teeth, whether natural, capped or veneer, will not be ornamented with designs, jewels, initials, etc. Waivers may be requested for prior service and existing dental ornamentation from the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (N131U).
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Chapter 10 Uniforms and Formations
Chapter 10 Uniforms and Formations
U.S. Navy Uniform Regulations (NAVPERS 15665) Ensure naval personnel have attractive, distinctive, and practical uniforms Enlisted Men The Dress White Trousers - Zipper front and same length as blue trousers - White Belt with regulation buckle The Neckerchief 36 inches square and made of black silk, acetate -Folded diagonally to form a triangle, then rolled and placed around the neck under the collar -Tied in a square knot with both ends of equal length and falling naturally -Worn with both the dress blue and the dress white Women (worn with the dress white only)
Dress blue and dress white jumpers - Dress blue jumper should hang straight and long enough to cover all but the lowest button of the 13-button broadfall front trousers - Sleeves two button cuffs - Collar three stripes of white tape (piping) - Government-issue dress blue jumpers and trousers are made of wool serge - The dress white jumpers and trousers are made of polyester designated certified Navy Twill Dungarees and winter working blues - Working uniforms - Dungarees consist of blue chambray shirt and blue denim trousers Command or Navy ball caps are only authorized for use with dungarees - Winter working blue uniform consists of blue winter shirt and blue trousers - Enlisted men E-6 and below have option of wearing the garrison cap instead of the white hat with winter working blue uniform Command ball cap may be authorized as with dungarees and worn within unit premises or working areas Shoes - Black dress shoes and black socks are worn with all uniforms. - May be of leather or a synthetic material with a plain toe
Peacoat - Blue winter-weight - Double-breasted coat with a convertible collar - Peacoat should reach the hips - Must be worn buttoned with three lower buttons on the tight side (in foul weather may be buttoned to the neck) All-weather coat - A black, single, breasted beltless, water-repellant coat - 65% polyester and 35% cotton poplin fabric - Women's coat button to the left and men's button to the right - When worn, button all buttons except the collar button - When wearing the all-weather coat, a clear plastic, combination cap rain cover may be worn
Blue working jacket - Made of Navy blue material - Fully lined with zipper front - Two military organization patches may be worn on the jacket (the command patch which you are assigned must be centered on the left breast; the second patch acceptable by command, will be centered on the right breast) May be worn with the dungarees uniform Hat - The white hat should be worn squarely on the head Medals - Large medals prescribed wear with dress blue jumper also with white jumper When large medals are worn with either uniform, the uniform is called "full dress“ Enlisted Women Service dress blues - Service dress blues uniform worn with ribbons - The necktie or necktab is worn with outer edges parallel to the outer edges of the collar
Full dress blue - Same as service dress blue uniform - Large medals and ribbons are worn Dress white jumper - The jumper should fit comfortably with no binding - The bottom of the jumper should be loose fitting at the hips - Normally, a white belted skirt is worn with the dress white jumper, however, a white belted skirt is worn with the dress white jumper Working uniforms - Consist of belted blue slacks or skirt and blue winter skirt, dungarees are also authorized - Black socks, a garrison cap, black service shoes and a black handbag may be worn with each
Shoes - Black dress shoes are pumps made of smooth leather, calf, or synthetic leather - Be of plain design with closed heels and toes - The heels will be no higher than 2 5/8 inches nor less than 5/8 inch Wedge heels are not authorized Hat - The combination hat may be worn with all dress uniforms - It is oval in shape with a stiffened crown, brim is rolled at the sides and straight in front and back - Enlisted woman E-6 and below may wear the garrison cap as an option with blues only when wearing the black v-neck sweater instead of the service dress blue coat - Command or Navy ball caps are only authorized with dungaree uniforms
make sure each person has the required seabag items
Marking enlisted clothing - Mark legibly with your name and social security number - Use black marking fluid for marking white clothing and chambray shirts - Use white marking fluid for marking blue clothes and dungaree trousers - Mark with 1/2-inch stencil or stamp - If a1/2 stamp is not available, a stencil no larger than 1 inch may be used - Embroidered name/nametags are required on the chambray shirt and dungaree trousers Transfer of clothing - No transfer or exchange of enlisted uniform clothing will be made without the CO's authorization Seabag - The CO requires clothing of all nonrated personnel to be inspected at regular intervals to make sure each person has the required seabag items Military personnel may wear the following military uniform articles with civilian clothing: - All-weather coat/raincoat (without insignia) - Belts with civilian buckles - Knit watch cap - Command/Navy ball cap (without insignia) - Gloves
Handbag - Blue windbreaker jacket (without insignia) - Khaki windbreaker (without insignia) - Shoes - Socks/hosiery - Cardigan and blue pullover sweaters (recruit issue) - Black V-neck pullover sweater (without nametag) - Underwear Officer and Enlisted Insignia - In the enlisted branch of the Navy, a field of work or an occupation is called a rating - Levels within the rating are called rates - Rating is the job or occupation and rate is the paygrade of the person - Personnel in paygrades E-1, E-2, and E-3 who have qualified in a particular rating will wear the specialty mark of that rating,called a striker mark
Service Stripes - Called hash marks indicate length of service - One stripe is worn on the left sleeve of jumpers for each full 4 years of active or Reserve service in any of the armed forces - Scarlet hash marks and rating badges are worn on blue uniforms, blue hash marks on white uniforms - Gold rating badges and service stripes are worn when good conduct in the naval service totals 12 years Rate Insignia/Corps Devices -U.S. Naval Officer - The paygrade of an enlisted person is referred to as a rate. The payrade of a commissioned officer is called a rank
Commissioned officers hold their positions of command by the authority given them by the President of the United States Naval Officers - An officer of a given grade is junior to all officers of higher grades and senior to all officers of lower grades. Any commissioned officer is senior to any warrant officer or enlisted person. - Officers are divided into line officers and staff corps officers - A star is worn on the sleeve or shoulder board of the line officer - The line officer category is subdivided into unrestricted and restricted line - Only unrestricted line officers are eligible for command at sea and the command of aircraft squadrons, included in this category are Limited Duty Officers (LDOs) - Restricted line officers are not eligible for command at sea, but may assume command of designated shore facilities
Warrant Officers - Commissioned officers formally enlisted personnel selected for their professional ability and for their demonstrated qualities of leadership, loyalty, and devotion to duty. All warrant officers are commissioned as W-2s The Command at Sea - Insignia is worn by persons below the flag rank who have or have had command of commissioned ships or aviation squadrons at sea. - Officers currently in command wear the insignia on the right breast - Officers not presently in command, wear the insignia on the left breast below any ribbons, medals, or other insignia The Command at Ashore - Insignia worn by officers below the flag rank who have of have had command ashore or served as a project manager - Worn in the same manner as the the Command at Sea insignia
The Small Craft OIC/POIC - Insignia worn by enlisted and officer personnel currently serving or who have previously served as an officer in charge of a small craft - Enlisted personnel wear silver and officers wear gold - Worn in the same manner as the Command at Sea insignia The Surface Warfare - Worn by officers and enlisted who have qualified in all phases of surface warfare The Submarine Warfare - Worn by personnel who have qualified to serve in submarines The Aviation Warfare - Worn by personnel who have qualified to serve in flight - Also worn by flight surgeons, flight officers, flight nurses, aircrewmen, astronauts
The Special Warfare - Worn by personnel qualified in underwater and beach reconnaissance, demolition, and special warfare tactics Awards - An award is any decoration, medal, badge, ribbon or letter of commendation given to an individual or unit in recognition of outstanding acts or service performed There are seven broad categories of awards: - Military decorations - Unit awards - Nonmilitary awards - Campaign and service awards - Foreign decorations and non-U.S. service awards - Marksmanship awards - Awards of military societies and other organizations
Military decorations - An award given to an individual for a specific personal act of gallantry or meritorious service - The first military decoration awarded was the Purple Heart - The Purple Heart was founded by George Washington in 1782 Unit awards - An award presented to an operating unit worn only by members of the unit who participated in the cited action - Unit awards include: Presidential Unit Citation, the Navy Unit Commendation and the Navy "E" Nonmilitary decorations - An award for various actions by an individual: Presidential Medal for Freedom
Campaign and service awards - An awards issued to personnel who have participated in designated wars, campaigns, expeditions or who have fulfilled creditable, specific service requirements: Good Conduct Medal Foreign decorations and non-U.S. service awards - Awards that may be worn are listed in the U.S. Navy Uniform Regulations (NAVPERS ) Marksmanship awards - Navy Pistol Marksmanship Medal, Distinguished Marksmanship Badge, Navy Rifleman Excellence Awards of military societies and other organizations - Awards from Regular Army and Army Union, Medical Scientific Societies, Naval Reserve Association and the Moreell Medal
Ribbons are part of the service dress uniform
Ribbons are part of the service dress uniform. They are worn centered 1/4 inch above the left breast pocket, with no space between ribbons or between rows. Each row may contain no more than three ribbons. A row of fewer than three ribbons is centered above the full row. Identification Cards - A card used to identify you as a member of the U.S. armed forces. - It is the property of the United States - You must carry it at all times Identification tags (dog tags) - Are designed for the Identification and casualty reporting of members who become casualties and for grave registration of members who die in a combat zone
Made of metal approximately 2 inches long by 1 1/8 inches wide and attached to a 25-inch necklace Must be worn under the following conditions: - In time of war - In time of national emergency - When engaged in flight operations - When traveling in aircraft - When prescribed by the CNO - When prescribed by competent authority - When reporting to an armed forces medical facility for treatment Information embossed on the tags: - First line: Last name, first name and middle initial - Second line: The first name and middle initial is needed - Third line: Military personnel Identification number (SSN), the letters USN and blood type and Rh factor - Fourth line: Religious preference
Women - Neat and present a groomed appearance - Haircuts and style present a balanced appearance - Multiple braids are authorized in the following manner - Uniform in dimension - Small in diameter (approx 1/4 inch) - Short hair may be braided in symmetrical fore and aft rows - Foreign material not braided into the hair - Hairstyle is judged by its appearance when headgear is worn - Headgear must fit snugly and comfortably around the largest part of the head without distortion - Hair should not show from under the front of the brim - Hair length may not touch are fall below a horizontal line level with the lower edge of the back of the collar - May extend maximum of 1 ½ inches below the top of the jumper - No portion of the bulk of the hair from the scalp will exceed approx 2 inches
Barrettes/Combs/Clips - A maximum of two small barrettes/combs/clips similar to hair color - Additional bobby pins or rubber bands matching the hair color are authorized - Fabric elastics and colored bands/pins are not authorized - Hair nets worn only when authorized for specific duty Fingernails - Shall not exceed 1/4 inch from the tip of the finger - Nail polish must be a soft shade, complementary of the skin tone Cosmetics - Earrings while in uniform 6mm (approx 1/4 to 1/8 inch), plain brushed matte finish or a shiny finish - E-6 and below wear silver earrings - CPOs and Officers wear gold - Small single pearl earrings are authorized for dinner or formal dress uniforms
Drill and Formations - The purpose of formations is to move a large number of personnel from one place to another in an orderly manner - Another reason is for people to receive correct up-to-date information Positions within a Formation - Distance - 40 inches between the chest of one person and the back of the person ahead within ranks - Element - An individual, squad, section that is part of a larger unit - File or column - Persons placed one behind the other - Flank - The extreme right or left of a unit - Formation - An arrangement of elements in a line - Guide - Individual on whom a formation regulates its alignment. Positioned to the right - Interval - Space between individuals from shoulder to shoulder. One arm's length - Pace - The length of a full step. 30 inches for men and 24 inches for women - Rank - A formation of persons abreast of each other or side by side - Step - The distance from heel to heel between the feet of a marching person Position and Facing Command - The two types of commands are the preparatory command, such as RIGHT, which indicates the type of movement to be made and the command of execution, such as FACE, which causes the desired movement to be made
FINALLY…….. Positions - Attention - Parade Rest - At Ease - Rest - Fall Out Facings - Right Face - Eyes Right - About Face
Thank you for your time, and good luck!
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