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Equine Emergency Medicine

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1 Equine Emergency Medicine
Dr. John Henton

2 Equine First Aid Kit As Suggested By Dr. John Henton

3 Bandage Material Telfa Pads (non-stick bandages like band-aids)
4x4 Gauze Pads Elasticon Bandage 3 inch (adhesive stretch bandage: expensive) Best available for may wounds and good for pressure over vessels Ace Bandage Clean leg wraps (Derby or Polo Wraps) Vet Wrap (only over adequate padding!!! NEVER DIRECTLY OVER LEG

4 First Aid Kit White tape (Many uses) 2-3" CAN MAKE 1-2" out of wider tape Sheet Cottons Clean leg quilts (Padding for wrapping legs over lacerations) Army Combine (Large clean bulky bandage) Roll gauze or Kling Wrap, (Hold bandages in place) Duct Tape (Bandage Foot, water proof leg bandages)

5 Medications Disinfectant Soap (Chlorohexadine, Povidone Iodine, etc.)
Water Soluble antibiotic ointment Silver sulfadiazine Antibiotic powder Panalog Ointment (retards proud flesh) KY Jelly (protects wound while shaving edges) Eye Wash Flouro-strips (used to determine if eye has corneal ulcer)

6 Medications Non Steroid containing eye ointment
Rompun* Pain relief for colic and tranquilizer for other times Banamine* Good injectable non-steroidal inflammatory agent, colic ?? Bute Paste Epsom Salts Safety razor & or clippers * only with veterinarians approval

7 Equipment Digital thermometer (mercury type will break in hot weather)
Scissors Humane Twitch Splint for leg (Plastic PVC pipe cut in ½)14-16" long & 28" long) Medi boot for hoof (especially good for horses that pulled shoes)

8 What is a True Emergency?
Definition: Veterinary Medical Emergency A medical condition which warrants medical treatment immediately

9 What Can I Do?

10 True Emergencies Dystocia Laceration with blood loss Colic Laminitis
Choke Long bone fractures

11 Dystocia

12 Dystocia Determine presentation Correct presentation
Immediate help is essential If can not correct position - walk to delay labor






18 Laceration with Blood Loss

19 Laceration with Blood Loss




23 Laceration with Blood Loss
Apply pressure directly on wound Clean compress Elasticon, ace bandage, etc. Keep horse quiet until help arrives don't walk to barn, it will increase bleeding Do not apply ointments or powders Do not try to clean prior to bandage will increase bleeding

24 Laceration with Blood Loss

25 Laceration with Blood Loss

26 Laceration with Blood Loss
If bleeding continues, put more bandage on top of first bandage Do not remove the first bandage!!

27 Laceration with Blood Loss
Tourniquet Pressure on vessels above or below the wound

28 Colic

29 Colic Prevent self injury Evaluate clinical signs Temperature Pulse
Respiration Color of gums

30 Colic Remove all feed Walk if necessary, only to prevent rolling
Administer drugs only after talking with your Veterinarian Rompun Banamine-may mask clinical signs Dipyrone

31 Traditional Examination By Veterinarian
Determine P.R. Assess cardiovascular output Determine intestinal sounds Rectal examinations if possible Pass stomach tube Access gastric reflex

32 Traditional Treatment
Mineral oil if no gastric reflex Analgesics IV fluids Surgical correction

33 Laminitis

34 Laminitis Definition: An inflammatory process of the laminae of the hoof. Many times caused by endotoxin, fever, trauma etc. Separation of bony structures from hoof may occur.

35 Clinical Signs Reluctant to move, especially on turns
Increased digital pulses May involve all four feet




39 Early Treatment Do not force exercise Apply frog pressure
Apply support to sole Stand in sand

40 Veterinary Treatment Frog pressure Mineral oil Anti-endotoxics
Banamine Analgesics Bute DMSO Orally or IV

41 Esophageal Choke

42 Clinical Signs Nervous Retching Food material out of nose

43 Early Treatment Keep head down Decreases aspiration Walk

44 Veterinary Therapy Tranquilize – Rompun Lowers head Pass stomach tube
Flush out obstruction or move obstruction to stomach Muscle relaxants Antibiotics Treat possible aspiration pneumonia

45 Non Weight Bearing Lameness: Longbone Fracture

46 Non Weight Bearing Lameness: Longbone Fracture
Do not move Stabilize Splint Robert Jones bandage Very large protective bandage Prevent bone fragments from penetrating skin Increases prognosis Greatly decreases infection

47 Veterinary Therapy Radiograph
Determine blood supply of distal extremity Determine if fracture repair practical or possible

48 Problems That Are Not A Veterinary Medical Emergency, But Do Require Veterinary Attention Within 2-4 Hours

49 Problems That Require Veterinary Attention, But Are Not Urgent Emergencies
Laceration Not bleeding Non weight bearing lameness Eye problems Retained placenta Sick foals Grain intoxication High fever Other

50 Lacerations Without Significant Blood Loss

51 Lacerations Without Significant Blood Loss
Clean area with mild soap Run cold water on wound Apply bandage if possible Clean compress NO ointments or lotions Wounds on legs need immediate care & bandage to allow potential suturing of the laceration Swelling will occur quickly







58 Non Weight Bearing Lameness

59 Non Weight Bearing Lameness
Usually involves one foot/ leg Most likely cause is subsolar abscess

60 Subsolar Abscess Clinical Signs
Increased digital pulse Area of sensitivity in sole Check coronary band for lesion






66 Treatment Establish drainage Draw out infection
Soak in Epsom salt water Drawing agents Magnapaste Ichthammol Keep Clean Bandage until defect closed



69 Subsolar Abscess Drawing agents Soaking in Epsom Salts

70 Subsolar Abscess Bandage with drawing agents Magna paste Icthamol

71 Subsolar Abscess Quittor Bandage Wheat bran/ Epsom Salt Poultice

72 Subsolar Abscess Keep foot covered until defect is closed

73 Eye Problems

74 Clinical Signs Squinting Tearing Swelling

75 Corneal Laceration/ Ulceration
Painful Sensitive Graying of the cornea

76 Stain with Fluorescein
Area of cornea injured will retain green stain

77 Treatment Early treatment essential Flush Antibiotic ointment
No steroids Retards healing Increase possibility of fungal infections

78 Recurrent Uveitis (Moon Blindness)
Painful eye Small pupil Eye may become swollen

79 Retained Placenta

80 Retained Placenta Should be passed in 3 hours if retained greater then 3 hours call Veterinarian DAY OR NIGHT Treatment oxytocin IM or as IV drip Uterine treatment Laminitis prevention

81 Sick Foals

82 Sick Foals Look at mare's udder
If foal off feed, mare will drip milk & have enlarged udder Normal temperature °F Swollen joints Early - septicemia Diarrhea Foal heat diarrhea is normal Rotavirus Status of foal may change quickly

83 High Fever

84 High Fever Infection Need to determine cause May lead to laminitis
Antipyretic drugs Bute Dipyrone Banamine

85 Grain Overload

86 Grain Overload Needs treatment soon Mineral oil Laminitis protection
Anti-endotoxic drugs Colic - soon Laminitis days

87 Injection Sites

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