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Brain Tumour Support A joint project between

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1 Brain Tumour Support A joint project between
BHOC Cancer and Information Centre and Brain Tumour Support Devised and managed by Emma Fynn CISC Manager and Pilot Lead Together WE are Stronger

2 Together WE are Stronger
Why? The aim of the project To improve information and support available to brain tumour patients and families, delivered at an appropriate time To alleviate time pressure on CNS To address the needs of the Living With and Beyond Cancer agenda Together WE are Stronger

3 Together WE are Stronger
What was needed CISC and BTS to work together to provide additional support services. To do this BTS needed to become part of the pathway and patients needed to be referred directly to CISC by the CNS This had not been done consistently before. Together WE are Stronger

4 Together WE are Stronger
How it works CNSs or clinician hands out support packs at diagnosis and refer all patients to CISC CISC contact patients usually with in 2 weeks to introduce themselves, offer support and encourage people to visit to the centre whilst on treatment Patients are offered an appointment with CISC and/or the BTSW at CISC CISC refer onto BTS who follow up as appropriate Relevant contact information is logged on Somerset Cancer Registry Together WE are Stronger

5 Together WE are Stronger
Activity May – October 2017 65 referrals received, contact made and referred onto BTW 29 had substantive contact with CISC 19 already know to BTS 7 yet to start treatment 3 no response 3 deceased since referral 14 not engaged but on BTS system to follow up Together WE are Stronger

6 Together WE are Stronger
Outcomes Every brain tumour patient knows what services are available to them via CISC and BTS CNS have reported a reduction in direct pressure CISC has evidence of its interventions Patients and families have more consistent and robust on going support LWaBC team interested in the pilot Together WE are Stronger

7 Together WE are Stronger
Conclusion This simple pilot has shown that extended support can be offered by NBT and UHB to patients and their families, at minimum extra cost. At the same time alleviating the demands/expectations on clinical teams and addressing the needs of the LWaBC agenda. A win win outcome! Together WE are Stronger


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