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Supernatural Worldview of the Bible
Cosmic Geography
Babel (Gen 11; Deut 32:8-9)
Sons of God or Sons of Israel?
Michael S. Heiser, “Deuteronomy 32:8 and the Sons of God,” Bibliotheca Sacra 158 (January-March 2001): 52–74
Babel & Deut 32:8-9: What’s Up?
Nations divided at tower of Babel Nations = Gen 10 “Table of Nations” Israel didn’t exist at the time “sons of Israel” makes no sense.
Babel & Deut 32:8-9 Disinheriting of the nations (Gen 10)
Not permanent Genesis 12 = Call of Abram to create a new for Himself (His “portion” – Deut 32:9) Promised seed / blessing (Gen 12:3) Exod 19:5-6 - “kingdom of priests” Acts 17:24-27 Disaster of Psalm 82
Explains a number of passages. For example:
OT Cosmic Geography Explains a number of passages. For example: Daniel 10:13, (cp. Dan 12:1) 1 Sam 5:1-5 1 Samuel 26:17-19 2 Kings 5:17-19
The Ministry of Jesus Inaugurating the kingdom
Bashan BASHAN (THE) It borders on Mount Hermon on the north and the Gilead in the south (Deut. 3:8–10; Josh. 12:1–5). The River Yarmuk forms the boundary between the Bashan and Gilead. Avraham Negev, The Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land (New York: Prentice Hall Press, 1990).
Jesus & Cosmic Geography
Caesarea Philippi / Banias / Panias Mark 8:27-30 (Matt 16:13-16; Lk 9:18-20) Peter’s Confession (”And Jesus went on with his disciples to the villages of Caesarea Philippi”)
Jesus & Cosmic Geography
“Gates of Hell” You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not be able to stand against it.
Jesus & Cosmic Geography
“against” not in original text (just verb + object); better: “the gates of hell will not withstand it”
Jesus & Cosmic Geography
Mark 9:2-13 (Matt 17:1-8; Luke 9:28-36) “And after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James and John, and led them up a high mountain”
Jesus & Cosmic Geography
Transfiguration In early church tradition, the location of the mount of transfiguration was believed by many to be Mount Tabor. The earliest witness to this tradition is the 4th century A.D. The gospels themselves give no name, and so the tradition has no biblical precedent.
Jesus & Cosmic Geography
Mount Hermon is considered by many the better choice since it is much higher than Tabor (8,500 feet vs. 1,843 feet), which would fit better with the description of a “high mountain” by Mark (and in Matthew 17:1). Avraham Negev, The Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land (3rd ed.; New York: Prentice Hall Press, 1996, c1990); “Tabor, Mount (Place),” ABD, 305. Jesus and His World: An Archaeological and Cultural Dictionary; John J. Rousseau and Rami Arav (Fortress, 1995),
Acts - Cosmic Geography
Acts - Cosmic Geography
Acts 2 – Pentecost
Acts - Cosmic Geography
Acts 2 – Pentecost
Acts - Cosmic Geography
Acts 2 – Pentecost
The Disinherited Nations (Gen 10)
NT Cosmic Geography: Acts 2
NT Cosmic Geography Acts 2 – Pentecost
Jerusalem > Judea > (Acts 2-8) Samaria (Acts 8) Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8) Saul’s conversion (Acts 9) / Paul Gentiles / Nations (cp. Isa 66) Damascus (Acts 9) Cornelius (Acts 10) Missionary journeys to the nations (Acts 11-19) Acts 20 – Paul’s arrest > Rome > Spain
Paul - Cosmic Geography
Rom 15:20 and thus I make it my ambition to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named, lest I build on someone else’s foundation But now, since I no longer have any room for work in these regions, and since I have longed for many years to come to you, 24 I hope to see you in passing as I go to Spain When therefore I have completed this and have delivered to them what has been collected, I will leave for Spain by way of you.
The Disinherited Nations (Gen 10)
Paul – Cosmic Geography
“rulers” (archontōn or archōn) “principalities” (archē) “powers” / “authorities” (exousia) “powers” (dynamis) “dominions” / “lords” (kyrios) “thrones” (thronos) “world rulers” (kosmokratōr)
Believer’s Destiny – Cosmic Geography
Believers are Sons and Daughters of God Edenic Vision Restored Divine Council Reconstituted
Sons and Daughters of God
John 1:12 1 John 3:1-3 Gal 3:26 Rom 8:14-17 Heb 2:10-13
Over the Nations Revelation 2 [Jesus says]: 25 Nevertheless, hold fast to what you have until I come. 26 And the one who conquers and who keeps my works until the end, I will give him authority over the nations, 27 and “he will shepherd them with an iron rod; he will break them in pieces like jars made of clay,” 28 as I also have received from my Father, and I will give him the morning star.
Over the Nations The morning star language in Rev. 2:28 is messianic—it refers to a divine being who would come from Judah. We know this by considering two other passages in tandem. In Num. 24:17, we read the prophecy that “a star will go out from Jacob, and a scepter will rise from Israel.”
Over the Nations Later in the book of Revelation, Jesus himself refers to his messianic standing with the morning star language: “I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star” (Rev. 22:16).
Over the Nations Revelation 3 [Jesus says]: 20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock! If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, indeed I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me. 21 The one who conquers, I will grant to him to sit down with me on my throne, as I also have conquered and have sat down with my Father on his throne.
1 Cor 6:2-3 Do you not know that the holy ones will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by you, are you incompetent to try trivial cases? Do you not know that we are to judge angels? YHWH / Godhead sons of God angels (messengers)
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