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Why the Church Is Important

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Presentation on theme: "Why the Church Is Important"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why the Church Is Important
Matthew 16:13-20 Why the Church Is Important

2 God Established Three Institutions in the World
The Family or the Home The Government The Church

3 The Reasons Why God Established These Institutions
To Establish Order in Chaos To Provide the Medium to Carry out His Kingdom Plans on Earth To Give HIM Glory

4 TEXT Matthew 16:13-20

5 I. When Was the Church Instituted?
Jesus said it is HIS church He commissioned them before He left They conducted necessary business They recorded names on a roll They added to the body of believers

6 II. What Is Church Membership?
Church Membership is Not Salvation The Church is a Local, Visible body The New Testament order is those who are saved, baptized, become a part of a local assembly Being a church member means being in fellowship

7 III. Why is Church Membership Important?
Church membership provides a place of identity I Cor. 1:2, Gal. 1:2, I Thess. 1:1 Church membership provides a place to cooperate Matt. 28:19-20 Church membership provides the place to exercise spiritual gifts Eph. 4:11-16 Church membership provides the place of God’s glory Eph. 3:21

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